30 SEPTEMBER 1949, Page 16

Mediation by Grace

SIR,—Mr. Hussey says: " In St. John xx. 23 we read Our Lord's words to the eleven Apostles." St. John does not use the word "Apostles," but

"Disciples" (Mathetae), a more comprehensive term. St. Luke, referring to the same incident (Luke xxiv. 33), speaks of " the eleven, and them that were with them." As ,a matter of fact, Thomas, one of the Apostles, was not with them. Is he therefore excluded from the commission to remit or retain sins 1 The conclusion is that the commission is given to the whole Christian community, not to the Apostles only. As the late Dr. Fairbairn used to say, " The New Testament is High Church, but not High Clerical." I note that Dr. Whale, in the review referred to, uses the words, " No man may presume to mediate God's grace." No, but Christ's body may, under Him, and acted on by Him, and with a humble sense of human fallibility, approve or condemn in , His name.—Yours faithfully,