30 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 40

Englishmen With Swords. By Montagu Slater. (bodley Head....

THERE is an inexhaustible fascination, especially for writers outside the historical academies, about the period of English history that stretches from the end of the Civil War......

Shorter Notices

Malta: An Account and an Appreciation. By Sir Harry Luke (Harrap. 15s.) THE former Lieutenant-Governor of Malta (193o-38) throughout his thirty-five years in the Colonial......

Selected Reprints

MESSRS. HAMISH HAMILTON'S " Novel Library " has lately been giving me, and I hope many others, a great deal of pleasure. The publishers have so far concentrated primarily on the......

Day After Day. By Odd Nansen. (putnam. 21s.)

THE puzzle of the German national character has not ceased to pesturb Europe ; in Day After Day, which is a meticulously kept diary of three years of internment in German hands......