30 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 4

There Has Been A Good Deal Of Needless Mystery As

to the word that has caused so much controversy about a recent B.B.C. broadcast. There is no need to make any bones about it. The word was bugger. It is a beastly word. It is......

A Spectator's Notebook

1 T is remarkable how closely politics and piety can sometimes be associated. Never, I imagine, in this Parliament has the attendance at prayers in the House of Commons been......

Some Political Goings-on During The Recess Have Not...

beyond the corner where they happened. There was a meeting, for example, addressed by Mr. Anthony Eden in Anglesey, Lady Megan Lloyd George's constituency, on behalf of Lady......

On Wednesday, When Mr. Churchill Opened And Mr. Harold...

followed, it was the same thing, only more so. The Opposition leader was at the top of hiz form and delivered one of those speeches that only he can make. The characteristic......

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An advertiser in Country Life is to be congratulated on his skill in avoiding the common misuse of the tricky word " unique " (which cannot be " more " or most "). Having a......

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Lord Beveridge has come back from a short visit to Germany convinced that the Germans should follow our example and build new towns. That is only part of a larger conviction,......

Moscow And The Bomb

T . HE Russians have, to the best of everyone's knowledge and belief, an atomic bomb ; M. Vyshinsky has made pro- posals for the destruction of all existing atomic bombs,......

A Nice Little Unofficial Storm Is Blowing Up About Sir

Stafford Cripps's alleged—I emphasise the adjective—untruthfulness. It began with a Manchester Guardian leader headed " Necessary Untruthful- ness," arguing that it was the......