31 DECEMBER 1937, Page 15

A Natural History Diary Of the host of diaries published

about Christmas a very particular place must be given to the countryside year book and calendar published at is. by the British Empire Naturalists Association, known more familiarly as Bena. The little photo- graphs freely scattered about are pleasing, original and charac- teristic of the dates. How many books have been published which are in essence a calendar of the year ? I possess a number, but seldom, indeed hardly ever, remember to look at one at the due season : a naturalist's diary is less easily forgotten if we use the book for notes or engagements or what not, and Bena I- as been particularly successful in luring the diarist to the study of the natural history appropriate to the date. The Association is largely concerned with spreading a love of the subject among the young, and in spite of its almost sentimental zeal puts straight information in the fore- front of its admirable little magazine as well as its annual calendar. It has a certain vogue overseas, as its founder (one of three brothers who all won distinction in natural history) would have desired. He had studied natural history (often in company with Rudyard Kipling) as ardently almost in India as in England. The headquarters are at Wilbury Eaves in the Letchworth Garden City. Incidentally, one at least of the garden cities has the distinction of possessing a census of the species of animal and plant within its circumference.