31 DECEMBER 1937, page 4

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE daily papers, or some of them, are suddenly developing a lively interest in Mr. Winston Churchill's future. According to the gloss put on one cryptic announce- ment Mr.......

Journalists Have Assumed With Zest This Week The Role Of

fire - assessors. On Boxing Day the H.M.V. showrooms in Oxford Street were burnt out. What did the damage amount to ? The public must be told. The Daily Herald told them,......

A Votary Of The Simple Life Seeking A Modest Shelter

from life's storms advertises her needs (she is a Lady C.) in a contemporary. I am glad to make them still further known —for nothing. What is wanted is One of the Stately Homes......

An Unwelcome Feature Of The'german Press To Which I Have

so far seen no reference is the tendency—obviously in response to a mot d'ordre from the urbane Dr. Goebbels- to play up articles in Italian papers proclaiming the palpable......

" I Deplore And Detest Things Like Marketing Boards And

other Socialist contrivances." So Lord Runciman in the Sunday Times. But since when ? Lord Runciman was a member of the Cabinet from 1931 to 1937, and the Agricul- tural......

Damaging Criticism From Its Own Supporters As Well As Its

political opponents. There is, however, one possibility that has not yet been exploited. The cynical methods of propaganda adopted by Signor Mussolini and Herr Hitler have been......

It Is Stated That Some Twenty Labour M.p.'s Are To

visit Spain during the present Parliamentary recess. So are a number of other individuals of varying degrees of eminence, including a party of those persons who like—or more......