31 DECEMBER 1937, page 26

Lancashire Cotton Prospects

Spending Christmas in the north, one could scarcely avoid hearing something of the vicissitudes of the cotton trade. Vicissitudes there have been in recent months, for it seems......

Wise Investment

I HOPE investors spared themselves the trouble and the pain of discovering the ways of Wall Street during the holiday break, but the dismal story must now be faced. This fresh......

Venturers' Corner

It is good to see Old King Coal climbing back on to his throne after the buffetings of the slump years. Home con- sumption of coal has established a new record this year and......

More Preference Yields

Capel Court is still a whispering gallery, and the wise ones are saying that there will be a Government loan within the next two months. I shall not be surprised if they are......

Armstrong Whitworth Developments

Quite a number of readers have asked whether there is any further news of the Armstrong Whitworth liquidation plan which I outlined, with reference to A.W. Consolidated Trust......