31 DECEMBER 1937, Page 18


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With reference to the article which I notice appeared in last week's issue of The Spectator, I am instructed to point out that the recent advance of 3s. per ton in the prices of cement throughout England, Wales and Scotland, does not fully cover the very heavy increased costs which are being experienced by all manufacturers in this industry.

You will note from the announcement made by the Federation to the Press on the 14th instant, that benefits arising from improvements in manufacture have been passed to the consumer by means of the manufacturers' policy to lower prices whenever conditions have made this possible.

I may now say that the cost of cement production has been rising consistently for some time, at least during a period cover- ing the past eighteen months, and although the remit price advance of 3s. per ton was necessitated by these continually increasing costs, it is not correct to assume that such advance represents the increased costs to their full extent.

Will you please take note, and oblige ?—Yours faithfully,

E. A. HARDING, Secretary. Cement Makers' Federation, Terminal House, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. r.