5 NOVEMBER 1904, Page 8

Comic Sport and Pastime. By Alan Wright and Vernon Stokes.

(Skeffington and Son. 5s.)—The picture on the cover suggests Mr. Briggs and his adventures on stubble, moor, and hunting-field; but the illustrations are very "comic" indeed. We must own that these very outré caricatures do not appeal to us. The cricket, golf, &c., must be at least a little like the real things if they are to be caricatured with effect.—Pirie Pickles. Drawn by Harry B. Neilson and Written by G. E. Farrow. (Same publishers. 5s.) —Here we have quite another world, birds and beasts that "con- fabulate," and so on. The result is more of a success, though the colouring which has been thought fit for these humorous ex- travagances is somewhat painful to the eyes.