5 NOVEMBER 1904, page 29

Sir,—your Serious Article On Plutocracy In Your Issue Of...

15th is marred by the statement that the most powerful Second Chamber in the world, the American Senate, "may be said to be composed of plutocrats." It is rarely the Spectator......

Sir,—the Russian Admiral May Quote A Precedent For The...

upon the North Sea trawlers, for Thucydides (Book II., chap. 67) states that "the Lacedaemoniaus destroyed a. enemies all whom they caught at sea, whether allies of th Athenians......

Sin,—the Letter Of Dr. Hogan In The Spectator Of October

29th is so plausible a piece of special pleading, backed by one- sided statistics, that it needs some remark. I have been myself for a long life resident in my native......

When It Follows Its Own Course, Without Either Aid Or

check. Let it make its own bed : it will do so better than you can. A."—" Guesses at Truth," p. 13, ed. 1871. Verb. sap. But would that all " statesmen " were sapientes.—I am,......

Should Be Made In The Public Service On Exclusively...

lines ? What I wished to bring under the notice of your readers was that in Ireland Catholics, no matter how well qualified, are kept out, and that Protestants have practically......

Sie,—though The Sympathies Of The Spectator Have Never...

Japan, I feel sure you do not intend to be unfair to ben But is it not unfair to assume, as you do in your leading article last week on "The Crisis," that in the event of war......