5 NOVEMBER 1904, page 28

Sir,—may I Direct Your Attention To The Following Words...

by Bishop Creighton in 1881? (See "Life and Letters," Vol. I., p. 222.)—I am, Sir, &c., F. P. "Things in general are not good : England is not healthy : she is going through a......

When It Follows Its Own Course, Without Either Aid Or

check. Let it make its own bed : it will do so better than you can. A."—" Guesses at Truth," p. 13, ed. 1871. Verb. sap. But would that all " statesmen " were sapientes.—I am,......

" The Prouder Beauties Of The Field

In gay but quick succession shine, Race after race their honours yield, They flourish and decline." More money is being spent on the luxuries of country life. and more fine......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIR,—Possibly owing to the great national crisis, rather less space was given this year to the National Union Conference at Southampton in the London Press. May I, as one who......