6 OCTOBER 1928, Page 2

The Bishop of Gloucester, 'in his presidential address at the

Congress, suggested that it was only the desire for a State-enforced uniformity that made the authofity of Parliament necessary, and he suggested that the repeal of the Act of Uniformity would give the Church all the spiritual freedom which Was necessary. He was surprised that those opponents of the revised Prayer Book Who .professed to be most eager for reunion with Nonconformity were the very people who failed to recognize that it was the authority of Parliament in spiritual affairs whiCh stood in the way. -" It is an interesting illustration of the theological ignorance of the }Rase of CoinmonS.7 At present the tendency seemed to be *towards either Disestablishrnent or a solution on lines similar to the Church of Scotland Act of 1921. . Personally, he did not desire Disestablishinent.- Nevertheless, it might In the end be necessary. to accept it and .even to Work for.'it.