6 OCTOBER 1928, page 45

The Garden Of Peace. By Mary Forrester. (hutch- Inson. 75.

6d.)-Something of the Barchester atmosphere per- vades this novel. We dO not mean that The Garden of Peace is seriously comparable with Framley Parsonage. Still less do we hint......

Bad Girl. By Villa Delmar. (philip Allan. 7s. Ad.).- There

are different ways of. being nasty, and the whole truth (however rawly it may be presented) is never so disgusting as semi-truth or perverted truth can be. We think, therefore,......

Vanity Under The Sun. By Dale Collins. (heine- Mann. 7s.

6d.)-Though it centres around an old idea-the duality of personality-this is an exceptionally original and clever fantasy. Sir George Emmet, exhausted at forty by his strenuous......

Makeshift. By Dot Allen. (melrose. 7s.

Allen has written a quiet and sympathetic study of a young Scotswoman, doomed to the disillusionment that awaits the over-sensitive temperament. Jacqueline Thayer is the......

The Funny. Bone. Compiled By Lady Cynthia Asquith.

(Jarrolds. 6d.) - =This volume contains eighteen humoroui short stories - by living masters of the craft. - The - writers include Messrs. E. F. Benson, George A. Birmingham,......

Roofs Off. .- By :riehmal Crompton. • • (hodder And

Stoughton. :7S-6d,)--When - Martin Evestiam, fifty, childless, and four months a'widower, giVes up busineks;sells hottse in Golder's Green,j'and settles in a - new garden suburb......

The Case- With Nine Solutions. =by Con-

nington. (Gollancz. Is. - 6d.)-Sirice death- by violence must be accounted for hi :one of three ways-accident, suicide, or homicide (including murder), there are nine possible......

Gyfford Of Weare. By * Jeffery Farnol. (sampson Low. 7s....

Farnol's new novel has characteristic spaciousness and verve. The story 4presnmably eighteenth century) is simple enough in outline.= 1 4'wo brothers, Sir Richard and Julien......

Gallimaufry. By H. R. Wakefield. (philip Allan. 7s....

a deliberately nonsensical story. The adven- tures in London Society of a young musical genius from Warrington, who has just been left a fortune and has never been in the......

Puff Paste. By Mrs. Henry Dudeney. (collins. 7s. 6d.) -in

these eleven short stories of Sussex, Mrs. Dudeney gives us a variety of good characterization and description. She is in turn humorous, pathetic,. and fantastic. .But the most......

A Library List

BIOGRAPHY :-The Earlier Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, 1855-1913. By Burton J. Hendrick. - (Heinemann. 2/s.) 'Three Reformers : Lulher-Deicurtes-Rolisseau. By Jaques......