6 OCTOBER 1928, page 37

A German Journalist With An English Name, Dr. W. H.

Edwards, commends the late King and criticizes the ex-Kaiser in his " psychological study," oddly entitled The Tragedy of Edward VU (Victor Gollanez, 18s.). The author, like......

We All Know Mr. Low As An Artist, Probably Too

we all know " Lynx," who is without doubt a literary lion who has• come to us in Lynx's clothing, to interpret the caricatures of his friend. Their book, Lions and Lambs (Cape,......

Some Books Of The Week

A SURPRISINGLY rackety book about Nicolo Machiavelli has been written by Giuseppe Prezzolini and translated -into American English by Ralph Roederer (Putnam's, 10s. 6d.).......

The Bishop Of Gloucester Is One Of The Leading Scholars

nu the episcopal bench, and he is not less distinguished for scholarship than for independence of views • He never takes his opinions ready-made, but always reaches them by his......

The New Ford Car Is Ably Dealt With By Mr.

E. T. Brown (Oxford University Press, 2s. 6d.). Mr. Brown makes a point of the fact that it is essentially an owner-driver's car and requires only the minimum of those tiresome......

Mr. Lawrence Hyde's Volume The Learned Knife (gerald...

6d.) is ambitious ; it is a critique of science and of the whole of modern thought. There is intelligence enough displayed, however, to justify Mr. Hyde's ambition. The chief......


The Competition

THE Editor offers a prize of five guineas for the most practical suggestions, written legibly on a postcard, on " If I were the Editor of the Spectator." _The Editor will......