6 OCTOBER 1928, Page 20


Sra,—May I ask for the inestimable aid of publicity in your columns for the effort we are making on behalf of the Londoti Fever Hospital which needs the comparatively small' sum of £50,000 to enable it to continue its little-known but. iiiaiderful work ?

In the past 126 years this Hospital has made no .sPcli gene appeal. It is the only voluntary fever hospital in anii\aroun London, and thus it has to meet the needs of those, 'among the millions in this densely populated area, who cannot Afforn private isolation and treatment and who do not wish to 'make use of rate-aided institutions when they or those dependent upon them are stricken With one or other of the feVers—i. typhoid, paratyphoid, diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, etel Our Patron is His Majesty the King, whose interest and sup; port are constant. A new Isolation Building is our most pressing necessity'. The existing building is beyond repair and out of date ; yet isolation is the very essence of our, work. Only the devotion of our staff enables us to continue in face of our present worries. We shall be thankful and very grateful for an financial help. This should be Sent to the Secretary, Londor; Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road, Islington, N. 1, or to me at 1 Howick Place, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &e.,

ERURY, Presiddnt.