7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 7

The Gazcite des Trihunanx gives some particulars of the explosion

in the Rue de 3Iontpensier. '• Opposite to the Passage Potier, in an angle of the gate leading to the shop of Emerique the money-changer, a portion of the wall was carried off by the explosion : the wall of the house opposite, and the shutters of the glazier's shop, Rue Mintpansier, No. 19, exhibited numerous and deep marks—indenta- time; caused by musket-halls; and some torches and lanterns leaving been provided, upwards of forty of' these balls, flattened by the force of the projection, were picked up in the street. ITp to the present hour, however, no vestige of the infernal machine containing these projectiles could be discovered. It has only been ascertained that it must have explolcd at the angle of the wall, which it partly rent. An indiVidnal, what was within a few steps of the spot at the moment c f the detonation, declared, that a short time befbre, he had seen, when still at some dis- tance, a lively and brilliant light, similar to that of a squib, at the place where it was supposed the machine had been laid. It happened most fortanatelythat nobody was passing by at the moment ; for, from the marks left by the balls oa the wall of the house No. 19, the scattering of the projectiles was considerable ; and front the depth of the holes made in the stone and boards of the shop-window, there was little doubt but the wounds inflicted thereby would have been attended with the most terrible consequences. The Commissary of Police of the quarter im- modlately repaired to the spot, anddrew up a lowers-verbal of the whole affair ; but hitherto it was impossible to discover the authors or object of this odious and infernal attempt. * Darinp- the whole of Friday, crowds of people stationed in the Rue Mout- pensier were seeking the traces of the guilty explosive attempt made on Thursday. An examination of the spot confirms the details we have already given ; and numerous impressions of balls, which could not be seen on the previous evening, have been further discovered. The perforations are numerous. and several of the balls were projected as high as the second story of the neighbouring houses. A large number of flattened bullets were again found this morning. as well as a sheet of paper which appears to have been the envelope of this machine. -We are at present in ignorance of the construction of this infernal machine, as nothing remains front whieh we can judge of the materials. We should imagine it to be analogons with the cartridges seized last October, the deadly effects of which NVO are already actpuinted with from the experiments made by the artillery-officers. The cartridges are thus constructed—one pound of powder is strongly wrapped up and bound round with string and thick paper ; rotund this paeket is then wound a coat of tarred hemp, in which is placed a large number of bullets; this is again tarred all over and placed in a canvass bag; a match communicating with the powder, which is in the middle of the cartridge, protrudes through the orifice of the sack, whieh is strongly fastened. Experiments which have been made on these cartridges have been, as we said before, attended with results similar to those ex- perienced in the Rue Montpeusier." There are rumours of Bonapartist and other plots in Paris, some of- which are noticed in extracts of private letters published by the Times; and which, that journal says, "will not iess astonish our readers in Great Britain. titan perhaps our Paris contemporaries"—

" The explosion in the Rue Alompensier," says our corresromi.•nee. "occu- pied the Court, the Government, and the higher circles v-. --I n l occupy them to beyonil all other its-titers. I lately descrillist to yin: ; s hand- grenades or portable shells found in ssveral denots in P irIs : iris! : which

I now speak was on that innet approved pattern. It we • s a pound in a Palh,f bag. tied o Phi tow coated with iItch, and in which were entb.-; I.•.I ea, ofi i•.1!Is. the

whole catal.Ted in a. coarse sacking or cams" iisirt.:' those Liiroile:s socs in which the hulk-porters !!' and might, in 1st. he borne about in the open diviiglit 0,11,•ioli or obierva•Iar.l. The identical machine e1ti, e.i hid 0 I a mate

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