7 DECEMBER 1839, Page 8



Oil the fahli ult., at Sandwell, Staffordshire, the Connie:4ot DARTMOUTH, of a son. On dm Will tilt., at Monirettl, near Seventmlis, the Viscountess HOLM END A LE , ofn sett. On the 1st inst. at Devonshire Place House, Mrs. Messy MORETON DvEa, of a ilatvaltter.

On the 11011i ult., at Somerton, Sotnenutshire. the Lady of Captain NV. V. IlswaTr., eta sun.

On the .4th inst.. hi Upper Groivcnor Street, the Lady of JAMES WEIR HOGG. Esq., of a s am.

Go ;Ile Sib till.. at Barnstaple, Devon. the Lady of Captain H. W. Mariam, late of. the Madras Army. of a soli. Oa the t8.11 nit., at Malian Castle, 'Ross-Aire, North Britain, the Lady of S. M. IluvtatanseN, E.g., of a soli. On the alth ult., at Drayton Porslow Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. SAMUEL Wsloirr,. of a son. On the 311th ult., at Oggs Castle, the Lady of A. 'I'. lim.Aenwoon, Esq., of a son, On the Liftli ult., at Edinburgh, the lattiy of Sir WILLIAM SCOW, Bart., of Annum, of a daughter.


On time 5th inst„ at St. Atplumge, Greenwich. ANDREW B. llummsx, Fart., to MARTA, second daughter of Edmund-Read, Esq.. of Blackheath. In Jul) la 5, at Tirhout, WILLIAm VANsITTAKT, EN.,


On the 4th inst., at the Episcopal Palace, Lichfield. the 1361i91 o Tacttrismi.

Ott the 24th ult., it Paris, DIANA JANE Countess of BAN ruuLv , In her 7Dllt year. • On the bU,iu ult.. at Brighton, ELEANOR Locus, ouly surviving child of the Right Lord Brougham. ill ha 19th Year. On the Gilt inst. ,of decline, the Lady CHARLES Cuuncomr„ daughter of Jelin Bone% Esq., M. P. For Wiltshire. On the aollt ult., it Anglesey Vilte, near Gosport, Ilan's, Mrs. MAIENDIE, relict of the late Bishop a 11.m,°mr, in her 80th year. Oil the ad inst., at her house in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, Mrs. Br.AnuN,. relict of the late Lad Bishop of Bath mid Wells, in her 82,1 year. Ou the 2801 No% ember, at EasICott, lu.ar 'farrow, FRANCES 1401:11, twin daughter of Philip D. Simper, Esq., ; aged two yvars. Ou the 28th September, at the house uf Miss Mary Ann Orr, Charlestown, Berhive, the Rev. ANDREw IlecilANAN, ;Meister Ot the Seoich Kirk in the parish uf elements, Berbice. On the 19th ult.. at Herta Row, Edinburgh, Mrs. ANTONIA STEWART, relict of Rest Admiral William auldingston. Ou time 15th ult.. at .Nleadow Place, Edinburgh, Dr. ALEXANDER BROWN, so t (X the R,,e, Dr, William Brown, I his 25th year. On the 30th nil., mmt time housu of his Mese, Mrs. It, Wynne Williams. in Ilattou Oar. den, WILLIAM AINLIMITD. Esq.. of the Royal NI:irises, in his Sith year. Mr. Aukroyd aus ono of the few surviving veterans who It a served under Rodney, Mood, Eeppel, ana Diron. lie was a Lieuteutint on board the Fort dam frigate when his late ".thijesty joined that ship in the year 1782. but retired from the service on his marrlitge, in the peace of 1788. The King- amid ' Mr.. Ackroyd did nut -meet for -many years; lint in , the, year LIM huts Majesty mot Mr. Ackroyd, and ree?giliZett him imm the true,spirit of British sailor, 0111.1. was graeimisly pleased to write hint a letter-1i that he well reCol, le:Aell him to be an active and zealous officer, whose corps was. always in the higlic it tolt,r.". •