7 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 6

Mr. Acheson Lyle has been promoted from the Assistant Barrister-

ship of the King's County, to the second or Deputy Rementhrancership. Mr. Acheson Lyle has been promoted from the Assistant Barrister- ship of the King's County, to the second or Deputy Rementhrancership.

The Dublin Evening Post states that its advertising bill against the agents of Vigors and Raphael at the Carlow Election was 301., and that it was promptly paid. The same paper calculates the total of printing expenses at not less than WO/. The Dublin Morning Register as the following remarks on the same subject- " If the account of the Post, publishing three times a week, amounted to nearly thirty Founds, the publication of advertisements in the Pilot would amount to the same stint; and hence, if the charge in Post and Pilot (each publishing three times a week) should be little short of sixty pounds, the claim of the Morning Register (we write editorially, and without the figurative aid of our clerk), publishing, as it does, Elba times per week, would be equal to that of both. The publishing account of the daily Freeman may be set down as equal to our own. Add to these claims tIe of the Weehlg Register awl Weekly Freeman, and let Mr. Raphael, in the spirit of calculation, dwell upon the enormous deficiency."