7 NOVEMBER 1835, page 5

On Wednesday Week, The Electors Of Ross And Cromarty Enter-

tained their Member, Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, at a public dinner at Ding- wall ; Mr. Roderick Macleod, M. P., in the chair. Mr. Mackeezie deli- vered what may be called a very......

The Liberal Electors Of Castle Douglas And The Vicinity Gave

Mr. Cutlar Fergusson a public dinner on the 26th of last month. The principal guests, besides Mr. Fergusson, were Lord Dudley Stuart, and Prince Czartoryski. Mr Fergusson......

We Have Conversed Within These Few Days With Gentlemen Who

have visited various parts of England and Scotland, and they are unanimous in describing the general state of the country as prosperous beyond any thing known in the course of......


The Dublin City Commission for the trial of uffonders was m last week. The 'wales who charged Mr. Mareus Costello with her) before the Election Commissimi were discharged, as......

The Election Commission Court Was Reopened On Aionday....

his seat as Chairman at ten o'clock, but mad.. servation of any moment. The oath, as required by the Act, s ministered to him ; and a very serious responsibility it imposes. It......