7 NOVEMBER 1891, Page 11

Among new editions of books more or less well known,

we have : —Uncle Tom's Cabin. By H. Beecher-Stowe. (John Hogg.)—Dr.

A. H. Japp has prefixed a memoir, and the original illustrations, one hundred in number, by the late George Thomas, have been added. We fancy that the number of the editions is much under-

stated by the " forty-three entries " in the Library of the British Museum of English editions, or of abridgments and adaptations, of this famous story. The number of translations is remarkable. There have been eight distinct versions in French, and five in German.—The Wigwam and the Warpath. By Ascott R Hope. —Broumsmith's Boy. By G. Manville Fenn. (Blackie and Son.) —The Aztec Treasure-House. By Thomson A. Janvier. (Samp- son Low, Marston, and Co.) —The Children of the Castle. By Mrs. Molesworth. With Illustrations by Walter Crane. (Macmillan.)