7 NOVEMBER 1891, page 18

Berlin Has Been Greatly Moved By The Failure Of Messrs.

Hirschfeld and Wolff, a Jewish firm of bankers and Army agents. The amount of their deficit, £250,000, is not very great ; but assets are always over-calculated in failures, and......

Bat By Far The Most Important Difference Between Mr....

statement on Tuesday, and Mr. Redmond's reply on Wednesday, consisted in Mr. O'Brien's ignoring, and since denying, and Mr. Redmond's asserting, that Mr. O'Brien had offered Mr.......

There Is Much Talk In Paris Of A Radical Revival.

On Saturday last, Mons. E. Roche asked the Minister of Justice to release M. Lafargue, who is candidate for Lille, but is under sentence of twelve months' imprisonment for......

The Lord-wardenahip Of The Cinque Ports, Which, Though...

considered a great honour, has been given to the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. Besides his previous services as Commissioner in Syria, in Egypt, and as Viceroy of India, he has......

The Controversy Between Mr. Goschen And Sir William...

continues to fire at the Chancellor of the Exchequer through " my dear Fuller") has gone on during the week, without being brought to any definite issue, except as to the......

Mr. O'brien And Mr. Redmond Have Both Given Their Accounts

this week of the Boulogne negotiations, and while there is the most positively contradictory testimony from the two as to the temporary or final character of Mr. ParnelPs......

We Omitted To Mention Last Week One Of The Very

best of Lord Salisbury's ecclesiastical appointments, though all of them give us the impression of having been very carefully and conscientiously considered, in this respect......

Sir J. Gorst, Who Is On A Sort Of Roving

Commission of Inquiry into the conditions of labour, made a long speech upon them at Wolverhampton on Friday week. He was not cynical at all, and less inclined to commit himself......