7 NOVEMBER 1891, page 19

Lord Coleridge Unveiled Last Saturday In Westminster...

bust of Matthew Arnold, of which Mr. Bruce Joy is the sculptor. It is placed in the Baptistery, and is near the statue of Wordsworth and the busts of Keble, Kingsley, and......

The Satellite Nearest To The Planet Jupiter Must Be A

singular place of residence, if there be any possibility of residents at all resembling human beings. In the first place, though it is bigger than our own moon, the substance of......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (24) were on Friday 941.......

The Lord Chief Justice Dwelt Chiefly On The Affinity Between

Horace and Arnold,—an affinity which the present writer finds it hard to recognise,—but he dwelt truly enough on the singular combination of great qualities in Matthew Arnold's......

The Controversy Between Mr. Goschen And Sir William...

continues to fire at the Chancellor of the Exchequer through " my dear Fuller") has gone on during the week, without being brought to any definite issue, except as to the......

But Mr. Goschen's Best Answer To Sir W. Harcourt Was

contained in the admirable speech at Oldham on Thursday. In that speech Mr. Goschen reminded his naulienc.e of the judgment of the civilised world to which Mr. Gladstone had......

He Then Went On To Defend The Policy Of Increasing

the -strength of our Navy and the efficiency of our Army, on the simple ground that though it costs something immediately, it saves largely in the end,—saves not only money, but......

Mr. G. J. Symonds, The F.r.s. Who Usually Informs The

Times on meteorology, denies that the rainfall of the year has been at all exceptional, February having been so unusually dry as to correct the averages. Nor has October been......