12 AUGUST 1882

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The Spectator

T HERE is no military news of importance from Egypt. On this day last week a reconnaissance in force was made from Alexandria, by the help of the armour-clad train, by which it...

Mr. Gladstone then proposed to adhere to the principle laid

The Spectator

down by the House of Commons, and rejected in the Lords' first amendment,—the principle that either the tenant or the landlord may appeal to the Court to put the provisions of...

The Conference has not done much io the last week.

The Spectator

Lord Dufferin has at last screwed out of the Porte a proclamation of Arabi as a rebel, which is to be issued before the landing of any Turkish force, but the military convention...

The Lords considered on Thursday what the Commons had done

The Spectator

with their Amendments in a very meek spirit,—excepting only Lord Salisbury, who in the frankest manner declared that he still regarded the principle of the Bill as a principle...

The crisis is over, and the Peers have yielded. On

The Spectator

Tuesday, the House of Commons took into consideration the Lords' amendment s on the Arrears Bill. Mr. Gladstone did not in- tend, h e said, so far as he could help it," to raise...

Lord Lymington subsequently proposed to limit the time during which

The Spectator

the value of the tenant-right shall be charged with the landlord's arrears to three years, instead of seven,—a very great improvement, as we think, on the Government pro- posal....

*** The Editors cannot undertake to retwrn Manuscript anyease.

The Spectator

The discussion which followed this statement rendered it quite evident

The Spectator

that the Tories were only too glad to accept what they were offered, and had no intention at all of nailing their colours to the mast. Sir Stafford Northcote was conciliatory,...

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On Ireland, Mr. Gladstone said that a very great improve-

The Spectator

ment had taken place in its condition since be last spoke in the City. Six months ago, the Land Act of last year was pro- nounced a dismal failure.' But that language is now...

The Bank Holiday was used generally by the Conservatives for

The Spectator

a little heated platform oratory, by way of preparation, we sup- pose, for the fiasco of Thursday in the House of Lords. At North- ampton, where Mr. Cecil Raikes, M.P., was the...

On Wednesday the Conservatives wore naturally out of temper. The

The Spectator

Duke of Northumberland, in opening the Northern Conser- vative Club at Newcastle-on-Tyne, is reported by the Times as having said that the only difference between the House of...

The Lord Mayor entertained her Majesty's Ministers at the Mansion

The Spectator

House on Wednesday. Lord Northbrook and Mr. Childers, in returning thanks for the Army and Navy, alluded with some pride to the promptitude with which " England the Unready" had...

Then, again, Lord Sandon orated at Ormskirk, and Sir M.

The Spectator

Hicks-Beach at Stroud. Lord Sandon was not enthusiastic about office. "Heaven forbid that at this moment the Con- servatives should come into office !" he exclaimed,—a hope in...

At Hereford, Mr. Gibson was the great orator of the

The Spectator

day. Mr. Gibson is really a great speaker, when Ireland is his sub- ject; but when he leaves Ireland, Mr. Gibson is, to use a vulgar phrase, " all abroad." His foreign-policy...

On the Bank Holiday, Lord Salisbury addressed a Conserva- tive

The Spectator

Working Men's Association at Hatfield, and commented with .great acridity on the course pursued in Egypt by this peace Ministry. On the Arrears Bill, it was evident that he was...

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Lord Granville added a few words, saying that he could

The Spectator

not add much to the knowledge of Mr. Gladstone's public life, but that what he should have liked to do, had it been possible, was "to have given some notion of his inner life,...

Mr. E. Clarke, M.P. for Plymouth, who followed the Duke

The Spectator

of Northumberland, would not be outdone by the Duke in the misrepresentation of opponents. He said that he had heard on Tuesday night the speech which Mr. Gladstone made,...

Lord Carlingford, in unveiling on Wednesday Mr. Bruce Joy's magnificent

The Spectator

colossal statue of Mr. Gladstone, which has been given to the inhabitants of Bow by Mr. Theodore H. Bryant, said, very happily, " Other great men in other ages have been...

A scratch French Government has been got together, a Government

The Spectator

which M. Clomenceau calls a holiday Government, a Government that will rule as long as the Chamber is taking its holidays, and probably not very much longer. Its chief is M....

Mr. Trevelyan seems to us to have made a rather

The Spectator

feeble reply to Mr. Lewis's inane attack on Judge O'Hagan of the Irish Land Commission, for certain verses about the Union, said to have been contributed by him to the Dublin...

The Bank Holiday, or rather the three consecutive holidays which

The Spectator

the Bank holiday generally ensures, were wonderfully fine this year, the sunset of Sunday,—we hope the Bank holiday- makers had time to enjoy it,—being one of those rare sunsets...

We should be glad in the main that the young

The Spectator

Princes who have just returned to England after their sail iu the Bacchante' were subjected, in crossing the Equator, to the silly horse-play which so many of our ship companies...

On Wednesday, Mr. Cowen brought on a discussion as to

The Spectator

Mr. Playfair's action in suspending sixteen Members, of some of whose culpability he himself did not seem at all sure, on the principle of constructive obstruction. The dis-...

Consols were on Friday 99f to 90k.

The Spectator

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The Spectator

MR. GLADSTONE ON EGYPT. M R. GLADSTONE'S speech at the Mansion House is de- clared, of course by his opponents, to be very rose- coloured, both as regards Ireland and as...

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The Spectator

m R. GLADSTONE has bought off the Lords very cheaply, though we believe that he might and ought to have given less. If the compromise proposed by Lord Lymington, who is or will...

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The Spectator

T4 ORD SALISBURY was meant for a demagogue; after all. There is a peculiar abandon in his speeches to the Bank holiday-makers at Hatfield which we do not find in any of his...

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SPOILING THE EGYPTIANS. -UNDER this title, a telling pamphlet against

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the Anglo- French policy in Egypt has been published by Mr. Seymour Keay, of whom we know nothing, beyond this pam- phlet. He is evidently deeply prejudiced in favour of the...

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The Spectator

I T has long been suspected that the official life of Lord Penzance, like that of the policeman in the opera with which lie has at least a titular connection, " is not a happy...

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The Spectator

I T is quite clear that, as a rule, English holiday-makers do not desire rest. In the neighbourhood of London, at least, the more popular amusements of the Bank Holiday were...

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The Spectator

T HERE are those who tell us that Cairo, even if it escape the evil chances of war, must inevitably yield to the in- fluence of Western civilisation—which is not of a...

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The Spectator

A MONG the characteristics of our own time which we are inclined to regard with hopefulness, we should reckon the fact that the word we have chosen for our title is exclusively...

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The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " 10E01'41.1'0R:1 Sin,—Now that we have embarked in a war in Egypt, it is to be hoped that steps will be taken to have a proper staff of scientific...


The Spectator

THE CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS REFINEMENT. rro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR."] Sin,—I read this morning in your issue of the 5th inst. that Mr. Shorthouse describes "true refinement...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—A propos of remarks in your paper on "The Evidence for Extraordinary Events," I may relate the following unusual co- incidences :—My...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Snti—In common, I dare say, with many others, I have of late devoted a good deal of time to the investigation of the phe- nomena known at...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTA.TOR.".1 SIR,—I cannot, as a Liberal, agree with the Government or the Spectator in the arguments used in defence of the policy to render India...


The Spectator

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Wynell-Mayow attributes the high suicide rate in this country to the religious creed of its people. " Switzerland," he says, " is the most...

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The Spectator

MR. SWINBURNE'S TRISTRAM.* To Mr. Swinburne's poetry you may certainly apply the saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees. It is a forest—about that there is...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin;—I quite well remember that some one asked Mr. Tennyson to whom ho was referring in the lines quoted, suggesting Long- fellow, to which...


The Spectator

FLORA. O on that afternoon, that lane Where I pick'd flowers ! Never again Will common wild-flowers look so well,— So freshly blush the pimpernel, And modest blue and simple...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR, OF THE ‘' spEcruaok."1 Sin,—In the Spectator for August 5th, p. 1023, you say :— " And the volume of anti-British poems which was republished from the Nation...

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HENRY ERSKINE AND HIS TIMES.* THE man whom Jeffrey openly

The Spectator

admitted to be his political and legal model, and of whom it was said that, while he lived, no poor man in Scotland need want a friend or fear a foe, must have been something...

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The Spectator

Tun task set Mr. Geese by the editor of the interesting series of monographs on English Men of Letters, was one that de- manded both labour and discrimination in the performer...

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The Spectator

To compress into two volumes the whole history of maritime discovery is no small undertaking, and must have required an amount of research and literary labour such as can be...

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The Spectator

THE Scottish Dictionary which, whatever be its merits or its fate, will always remain as a monument to the industry and energy of its publisher, is virtually brought to a close...

Of technical and scientific, works, we have to acknowledge Rail.

The Spectator

ways and Locomotives, lectures delivered at the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, in 1877, by John Wolfe Barry and Frederick J. Bramwell, F.R.S. (Longmans.)—The Water...


The Spectator

The Catiline and Tugurtha of Sallust. Translated into English by Alfred W. Pollard, B.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—A well-written and intelligent essay, which is only too short, on...

International Trade. By Sir John D. Phear. (Maomillan.)—Sir John Phear

The Spectator

deals here with the problem which is at first sight so per- plexing, the constant preponderance of imports over exports in our Trade Balance-sheet. It looks as if we are always...