20 APRIL 1867

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The Division List on the Reform question, the result of

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which we gave last week, is curious, from the way in which members crossed over, but it does not tell the tale some of our contem- poraries appear to fancy. The numbers were 310...

The Princess of Wales is somewhat batter,—her knee but slightly

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impitved, but her general health better. The Lancet professionally observes, that " for the last three or four nights the amount of natural and refreshing sleep which has been...

Mr. Disraeli's speech last Friday night before the division was

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not one of his greatest efforts, but it contained an amusing snub for Mr. Beresford Hope,—one of the most grotesque and man- nered speakers in the House,—who had attacked him...


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T HE aspect of affairs through the week has not been reassuring. We have recorded the signs of coming trouble elsewhere, but must add here that the popular impression in all...

The " episode," as it is now called, in yesterday

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week's debate, of which we gave some notice last week, has been somewhat eluci- dated during the week by letters from Colonel Taylor, Mr. Dill- wyn, Mr. Brand, and Mr. 0,...

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—The Publisher requests that Advertise- - ments may

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be sent in as early in the week as possible, in order to insure insertion. in future, the latest time will be 2 o'clock on Friday Afternoons.

The Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (Princess Helena)ipachieved her baby successfully

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last Sunday afternoon. Mother and child (a boy) are well.

M. de Calonge, the Spanish Foreign Secretary, is a much

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cleverer- man than anybody gave him credit for being. He has found out a plan by which he can concede Lord Stanley's demands and con- ciliate Spanish pride at the same time. He...

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M. Rattazzi has formed his Ministry at last, but declined

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to state why he happened to be entrusted with the task. He could not, he said, " divulge " the reasons. He promised, however, all manner of pretty things,—the restoration of the...

Mr. Gladstone received this day week a vote of confidence

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in his leadership, passed by the Guildford Reform Association, to which he replied by thanking the Association with the paren- thetical remark, " You will have observed the...

The Directors of the North-Eastern Railway seem to have beaten

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their engine-drivers. The latter struck suddenly, nomi- nally for this or that cause, really, if we understand the Train, because they could not stand the insolence of their...

Sir Colman O'Loghlen's Bill on the law of libel, which

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we dis- cussed at length in a former number (of March 16), has come back from the Select Committee to which it was referred as strong as regards the rights of the Press, and...

" A. Country Parson" writes to the Times of Monday,

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to sup- port Mr. Henley's view of the Small Tenements' Act as " a device of Old Nick," leading to extortion on the part of landlords, and degradation on the part of the tenants,...

John Marnchien, said to be a mulatto, but more probably

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a "Manilla man," was a seaman on board the Raby Castle, English ship in the China trade. So was Karl Anderson, a Swede, who shipped at Penang. Anderson took it into his head...

The German Constitution is The Spectator

Bismarck announced that he could not accept an amendment limiting the continuance of the Military Budget to 1st Januiry, 1872, but it was carried, nevertheless, and on 17th...

Lord Lorne, whose book we reviewed the other day, must

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be an acute observer. He predicted, two years ago, that President Geffrard, of Hayti, would be deposed and succeeded by General Salnave. On March 8, the President, who was...

Liquidation must be a profitable business. Mr. I. H. Cannan

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" liquidated " the affairs of the Agra Bank, that is to say, he col- lected 4,000,0001. owing to them, paid their clerks in London, settled with creditors, and generally put...

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The purchases of money (stock) on account of the public

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having been somewhat numerous, nearly all national, as well as Indian Securities have advanced in price. Consols for money have marked 90k, 91, to 91* ; ditto, for account, 91...

It is quite right, we suppose, to sell our wooden

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ships, if they are -useless, but it is quite right also to get a good price for them. The Admiralty have just sold to Messrs. Castle and Beech, the well known ship-breakers,...

Marshal Niel, French Minister at War, issued an order on

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Tuesday which does not look like peace. The price of exemption from the conscription was last year 841., and has never been higher than 1121. even in war time, but he has raised...

Mr. Stansfeld made a good speech at Halifax on Thursday.

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He remarked that he had always noticed that the foes of a good measure advance it much more than the friends, and that Reform was no exception to the rule. Since the...

The Consul at Jerusalem tells us that 156 Americans from

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the State of Maine have arrived in Palestine, and taken up their resi- dence near Jaffa (Joppa), led apparently by millennial views. They are mostly labourers, farmers,...

The new Bishop of Rochester is to be the Rev.

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Thomas Legh Claughton, Vicar of lUdderminster, and the Oxford Professor of Poetry in 1852. He is the brother-in-law of the Earl of Dudley (Lord Ward), whose sister he married....

Admiral Persano has been cashiered. His statement in his own

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defence suggests that he must have lost his head, for just before the battle he went on board the iron ram Affondatore without telling the fleet ; he only saw the engagement...

We observe with pleasure the address of support to Dr.

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New- man, which has been signed by so many distinguished English Catholics. The occasion for it was furnished by the violent attack made upon him in the Weekly Register, which...

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities on Thursday

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and on Friday week are subjoined:— Mexican Spanish Passives .. Do. Certificates .. Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 1862 Uuitli States 5.20's .. .. .. .. .. . • .. .. .. — .. .....

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THE DIVISION. T HE division of Friday, the 12th inst., will probably be a very important one in our constitutional history. A House of more than 600 members, that is, for all...

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4R. GLADSTONE'S great defeat this day week, and Mr. • Disraeli's very remarkable and unexpectedly decisive victory, illustrate very curiously what observing politicians had...

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T HE Pan-Anglican Synod seems likely really to take place. The Archbishop of Canterbury's invitation, issued, as he says, " not I humbly trust without the guidance of God the...

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T HE "situation" in Europe, as it is called, is not one whit less grave than it was last week. Very few incidents have occurred, incidents, that is, about which there can be no...

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THE Times is evidently determined, if it can, to change the Trades' Unions into vast Secret Societies, with concealed objects, unknown leaders, and unpublished rules of action....

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T WELVE times five is sixty. Sixty is twice as much as thirty.. Some extremely acute member of the Civil Service, possibly a Jew, probably a Scotchman, but certainly some one...

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M RS. SCOTT SIDDONS scarcely showed a true knowledge of her own powers when she chose the scenes in Romeo and Juliet to act after her very charming Rosalind at the Hay- market...

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C ERTAIN newspapers, which we will not particularize, have declared that the University Boat Race is becoming a nuisance. Perhaps this may be seriously felt by editors who have...

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T URNING to the list of Sheriffs of Sussex and Surrey

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for- illustrations of the leading families in these counties in the period succeeding the Norman Conquest, we find the following names most frequently occurring, or afterwards...

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[To TILE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I8 it too late to suggest that the Reform Bill now in pro- gress should remove a meaningless anomaly established by the Reform Act of...


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THE FOURTH GOSPEL.* MR. TATLBR is one of the most learned and accomplished of English divines. There is probably no living Englishman who • Attempt to Ascertain the Character...

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THE PLEASURES OF MEMORY.* THE stock of anecdotes and reminiscences

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contained in the minds of those who are older than the century is simply inexhaustible. We have volumes upon volumes, all dealing with the same characters, many of them...

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THE last number of the Edinburgh Review contains a paper which might suggest a new field of labour, either to the Geographical, the Archaeological, or the Ethnological...

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The dEneis of Virgil. By John Benson Rose. (Derrell and

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Son.)— We noticed Mr. Rose's translations of Ovid's Fasti and Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics a few weeks ago. The words of that notice might almost be repeated on the present...

The North-West Peninsula of Iceland being the Journal of a

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Tour i■ Iceland in the Spring and Summer of 1862. By C. W. Shepherd, MA., F.Z.S. (Longmans.)—In spite of the difficulties and hardships of his tour, Mr. Shepherd has written a...


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The St. Stephen's Chronicle. Nos. 9 and 10, March 30 and April 7. (Bentley.)—We aro sorry to see that one-half of the special use of the St. Stephen's Chronicle is to be lost by...

The Sorrows of Hypsipyle. By Thomas Ashe. (Bell and Daldy.)—

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Mr. Ache has succeeded where so many have failed in catching the spirit of the Greek drama. There is not here the same manifest striving after a certain effect as detracts from...

A Dictionary of Photography. Edited by Thomas Sutton, B.A., and

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George Dawson, M.A. (Sampson Low.)—The various processes, which are more familiar to us from sundry door-posts in Regent Street than from dark rooms smelling of collodion, are...

Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Two vols. (Boston, Tick-

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nor and Fields ; London, Trubner.)—Remembering Mr. Whittier as a peek we are rather disappointed with him as a prose writer. His sketches of Bunyan, Andrew Marvell, Richard...

Germany from the Baltic to the Adriatic; or Prussia, Austria,

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and Venetia, with Reference to the Late War. By Captain Spencer. (Routlodge.) We cannot say that Captain Spencer's present book is any improve- ment on the one we had occasion...

The Wife's Litany, and Other Pieces in Verse. By John

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Rutter Chorley. (Chapman and Hall.)—Mr. Chorley tells us that the chief and the most remarkable poem in this volume was composed at the instance of an unusually vivid dream. We...

Man : a Story of Light and Darkness. By the

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Rev. Henry Greene. (W. Macintosh.)—We can hardly think that Mr. Greene has done alto- gether wisely in giving this work to the press. He tells us that in tardy compliance with...

Zaida's Nursery Notebook, for the Use of Mothers. By A.

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L. 0. E. (Nelson and Sons.)-1 pretty and pleasant little semi-story about chil- dren, their ways and their tempers. The most exciting incident is a fight between the mother who...

Sunshine and Showers. A Compendium of Popular Meteorology. By Andrew

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Steinmetz. (Reeve and Co.)—The weather is certainly the most popular of all subjects, but the general conversation upon it is not of a scientific character. Mr. Steinmetz has...

Pity. Painted by H. le Jenne. Engraved by Henry Lemon.—This

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is the Art Union engraving for 1867, and a very pretty plate it is. It repre- sents three girls trying to coax to them a poor little bird, which is starving in the snow. The...

The Law of Libe4 as Affecting the Newspaper Press, with

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Proposed Amendments. (E. Marlborough and Co.)—The principal contents of this pamphlet are accounts of several libel cases, many of them turning on fair reports of public...

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Africa. Prussia. Maps by Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. (Blackwood.) —Two plates

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from Mr. Keith Johnston's excellent " General Atlas,' the first on a scale of 300, the second of 32, miles to an inch. This, no doubt, is significant of the tenfold greater...

Magazine, as we gather from Dean Alford's preface. His object

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in reprinting them is " to put into the hands of the ordinary English reader in a popular form, Borne of those results of thought and criticism which are commonly deposited out...

Practical Housekeeping, or the Duties of a Homewife. By Mrs.

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Pedley. (Routledge.)—This little shilling manual is worth its weight in gold to the class it addresses. It is not confined to the ordinary duties of housekeeping, as we should...

Moron's Standard Penny Readings. (Moron.) — This selection is edited by Mr.

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T. Hood, and was originally intended by him to embrace only the writings of his father. But the publisher has suggested a wider choice, and this advice has been followed....

Vat's Treasure; or, Labour and Love. By Leigh Tempest. (Dorton

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and Co.)—A conventional story which may be skimmed in an idle half- hour, and will not prolong that time unnecessarily, to the disregard of more important claims.