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The Spectator

T HE assassination of Count Bernadotte is the direct responsibility of the Jewish Provisional Government. For years the Stern Gang and the Irgun Zvai Leumi waged a campaign of...

The Third General Assembly

The Spectator

The opening days of the Third General Assembly, which promises to be not only protracted but in many ways critical for the future of U.N.O. itself, threw little light on the...

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Spain and. Western Europe •

The Spectator

The passage in the speech of Dr. Bramuglia, the Acting President of the United Nations Assembly, on Tuesday, urging obliquely the admission of Spain to the United Nations, was...

The Fate of Hyderabad

The Spectator

With the Minimum of glory to her arms and considerable dis- credit to her rulers, India, using pretexts and methods which would have appealed more strongly to Hitler than to...

Commons and Lords

The Spectator

The debates on the Second and Third Readings of the Parliament Bill this week have consisted for the most part in raking over dead embers, though a certain amount of...

No Light in France Caught in a cross-fire from the

The Spectator

Communists, who say that the shooting affray in Grenoble last Sunday followed a veiled threat by him of unconstitutional action, and from the Assembly, which says that the shots...

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The Spectator

HE Play's the Thing" from the point of view of this column, which is concerned not to advocate or to attack any policy, but to comment on Parliament's debates as works of art,...

Cripps in Canada

The Spectator

The economic tensions, such as they are, between Britain and Canada today are essentially of the kind which can be resolved by a clear-headed advocate. And Sir Stafford Cripps,...

The Tragedy of Burma

The Spectator

Nothing seems capable of stopping the rot in Burma. Her first Foreign Minister, U Tin Tut, who narrowly escaped assassination a year ago, died on Sunday after a hand-grenade had...

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The Spectator

D ISAPPOINTING as was the Foreign Secretary's inability to satisfy the expectations which his return from Paris to the House of Commons on Wednesday had raised, his silence on...

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Mr. Shinwell's statement that he had ordered the replacement of

The Spectator

the officers responsible for the military exercises at Aldershot a few weeks ago, in which two cadets died of sunstroke after route marches indicates, J have little doubt, that...

The Minister of Health has not taken up the challenge

The Spectator

presented to him by Captain Ernest Marples, M.P., in the matter of the accuracy of a statement by the Minister on Housing. The question is of some importance, and I have looked...

The Daily Herald on Tuesday devoted r7 inches to a

The Spectator

report of the l debate on the Second Reading of the Parliament Bill. Of these, nine lines—one inch—were devoted to speeches against the Bill, or, to be strictly accurate, to one...

A SPECTATOR 'S NOTEBOOK T HE question of memorials to Prime

The Spectator

Ministers is perplexing. What form should they take, and how long should elapse before they are contemplated ? In the past we have moved cautiously in such matters. There are...

It is curious how a chance phrase, even a chance

The Spectator

word, may affect the whole interpretation of a speech. ' That was so with the Foreign Secretary's statement on the Berlin situation in the House of Commons on Wednesday. He used...

No wise diplomatist will antagonise the Press. Mr. Krishna Menon,

The Spectator

the High Commissioner for India, has come back from that Dominion to summon a Press conference and inform his hearers that the majority of the British Press reporters in India...

If the deeds and aims of the United Nations fail

The Spectator

to get known throughout the world it will not be the fault of people who believe both in those [Ams and in the power of the printed word. The League of Nations had not, so far...

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Ministers as They Are

The Spectator

1.-ANEURIN BEVAN By FRANCIS WILLIAMS In his book "The Triple Challenge," published last week, Mr. Francis Williams, till lately Adviser in Public Relations to the Prime...

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The Spectator

By A TRAVELLER IN SPAIN A N observer outside Spain today might well be puzzled by the way in which Franco's regime, while publicly execrated, is privately condoned by the...

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The Spectator

By JOHN GARRETT A POEM published last month in a Russian weekly announces that Shakespeare's spiritual home is in Russia, the only country where he is appreciated by all...

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The Spectator

By BASIL GORDON F EW authentic stories of individual lives which can be vouched for as true ever filter through from the Soviet Union to the West. On the rare occasions when...

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The Spectator

By KATE O'BRIEN The remains of W. B. Yeats, Ireland's greatest poet and dramatist, were last week brought back from Mentone, where he died in 1939, in the Eire corvette...

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The Spectator

THE SPECTATOR readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold...


The Spectator

By J. P. W. MALLALIEU, M.P. Cricket, rich in so many things, is especially rich in writers. There has been great writing about other sports, especially hunting and fishing, but...


The Spectator

A TUMBLING black figure Into the sky, A pointing finger of silk And I Caught by that fisted white Stopped suddenly. In the still world I hung The very air Held its breath,...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE shock occasioned by the murder of Count Folke Bernadotte has been wide and deep. It reminds us that nobility of character and disinterested motives are...

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The Spectator

THE Proms ended on Saturday night, in a traditional orgy of crooning and hand-clapping, applause and mutual compliments. It was a successful season by all accounts (I deserted...


The Spectator

"Sleep My Love." (London Pavilion.)—" This Time for Keeps." (Empire.)—" The Exile." (New Gallery.) THERE are many ways of getting rid of one's wife and one of the simplest and...


The Spectator

THE THEATRE "Twelfth Night." By William Shakespeare. (New.) THE Old Vic season opens not with a bang but a Belch. Never was Sir Toby less domineering, never did he more surely...

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In the Garden

The Spectator

Seasons are strangely upset: with me a bush of Laurustinus is now in the fullest flower on the south side, and flowers are plentiful on Viburnum Fragrans, Cydonia Japonica,...

The Hunt and the Trap A Private Member's Bill on

The Spectator

the extinction of certain field sports, especially the hunting of the fox, happens to coincide with a greatly increased membership of the British Field Sports Society at 3 St....

Edible Berries On the subject of hedgerow berries we are

The Spectator

still being urged—and with wisdom—to collect more and more briar hips. Further study on their chemical make-up has, it seems, enhanced their value as providers of vitamin C and...

Postage on this issue : Inland, lid.; Overseas, Id.

The Spectator


The Spectator

OUR country people ; who have so much rural knowledge on many subjects that they may seem to possess an instinctive or hereditary acquaintance, have nevertheless some surprising...

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The Spectator

INTELLECT AT WROCLAW SIR, —It is only too easy for those who attended the Cultural Congress for Peace held at Wroclaw, to appreciate the reasons for the disgruntled tone in...

Stst,—Dr. Huxley's article Intellect at Wroclaw may shed some light

The Spectator

on Soviet propaganda methods, but at the same time it reveals a dis- heartening absence of the capacity to grasp the elements of the Soviet technique of penetration. Dr. Huxley...

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The Spectator

Sift,—The note by Janus in The Spectator of September 17th compels me to make this intrusion upon your space ; for it gives the impression, created I am afraid by the film...


The Spectator

SIR, —The hospitals have insufficient beds chiefly on account of a shortage of nurses. The suffering caused by this .falls increasingly on the old: indeed, it is stated on good...

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The Spectator

SIR,—In your note The Student Nurse's Status you refer to an estimated shortage of "still over 40,000" and suggest that the Whitley Council "will find much more to do." One...


The Spectator

SIR, —I think Mr. Crosfield's letter in The Spectator of September 17th on the attitude of the Polish Government towards the Czechs at the time of Munich requires some...


The Spectator

S,—In his further reference to this topic Sir William Beach Thomas does not give any authority for the erroneous assertions which he makes, other than the case of Quantrill v....


The Spectator

Sm,—Whilst in Germany last August I visited the historic city of Goslar in the Harz Mountains. I had the curiosity to see the forests from which much of the timber exported to...


The Spectator

Sra,—I have read the Rev. Henry Carter's letter on the problem of German refugees with mixed feelings. Whatever is the fate of Germans evicted from Czechoslovakia, Poland and...


The Spectator

JUST TO REMIND readers overseas that copies of THE SPECTATOR are available for Christmas and New Year Gifts AND to invite them to take out subscriptions for their friends....

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The Spectator

SIR,—Those of us whose husbands are " self-employed " must sympathise with "A Minister's Wife" in the matter of the compulsory payment of 6s. 2d. a week for health insurance....

SIR,—Mr. Nicolson suggests that the indignation aroused by the delayed

The Spectator

trial of the German Generals is proof of a charming natural characteristic of our race that makes us incapable of harbouring resentment for past injuries. I suggest that it is...


The Spectator

StR,—In reviewing M. Vincent Miss Graham refers to its hero as "a Saint in all but name." I think she may like to know that the name is there too. He was long ago canonised as...


The Spectator

sn1,—may I, in expressing my gratitude for Mr. S. K. Ratcliffe's note of appreciation of the late A. Wyatt Tilby's contributions to journalism and letters, remind your readers...


The Spectator

Sta,—I should be very grateful if Mr. Richard Hughes would tell me what is meant by the description of the slaughter of 20,000 of my co-religionists in the Warsaw ghetto as...


The Spectator

SIR,—A parenthetical remark in Guy Boas's article on The Omnibus School appears to me of the utmost importance. Referring to the tendency for multilateralism to lead to...


The Spectator

SIR,—As a member of the illogical British public, I should like to endorse Mr. Nicolson's comments on the German generals in The Spectator of September 17th. But I would ask,...


The Spectator

Sia,—Between July, 1945, and May, 1948, British Quakers, largely through the generosity of non-Quakers, were able to send four million 'garments to Europe. We are now anxious to...

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Foreign Office Documents

The Spectator

CHAPTER I of this volume, which is edited by Mr. Butler, continues the Proceedings of the . Council of Heads of Delegations from October 16th, 1919, untit the end of its...


The Spectator

Arnold Bennett Again• r Arnold Bennett. By Walter Allen. The English Novelists Series. (Home I & Van Thal. 6s.) Mu. WALTER ALLEN has written a very good book, full of insight...

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Young Conservative

The Spectator

Party Choice. By Michael Berry. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 6s.) "THOUGH he finishes by coming down on the side of Conservatism, his method is objective," say his publishers on Mr....

George Meredith

The Spectator

Meredith. By Siegfried Sassoon. (Constable. 15s.) WHATEVER the ups and downs of fashion, Meredith's distinctive con- tribution to the canon of English prose and poetry will...

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The Spectator

Here and There. Selected Short Stories. By W. Somerset Maugham. (Heinemann. 8s. 6d.) The Servant. By Robin Maugham. (Falcon Press. 6s.) Mn. SOMERSET MAUGHAM never fails to...

The Poem and the Age

The Spectator

Five Poems 1470-1870. By E. M Tillyard. (Chatto & Windus. 8s. 6d.) DR. TILLYARD'S latest book sets out to explain and criticise five representative poems, ranging from The...

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The Spectator

Iv the times are not sufficient to purge the reading public of pity and terror, then two new novels—Mr. C. S. Forester's The Sky and the Forest and Mr. Howard Fait's The Last...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS THOSE investors—and they must now form the great majority—who are content to follow a policy of masterly inactivity must feel that they are being strongly vindicated...

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The Spectator

' - r'.0iP _ P .H1P A 6 1111R t!HIAiI4E:LIEIO'N 72LE!CIA 1 OS L RA0 0 1 MA T kio!siA;litir v i IiNiC E E , M.Wr; .> C UAa L e tIEIy•C . 14IELIL-E OlgY ONcPSE ir .TIE SZ 2...


The Spectator

[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to he opened after noon on Tuesday week October 5th. Envelopes...