25 JANUARY 1868

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The Emperor of Austria on the 20th inst. received the

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"Delega- tions " of the Hungarian Diet and of the Austrian Reichsrath, who professed unbounded loyalty, and promised to co-operate heartily with each other. These " Delegations...

On Wednesday Mr. Lowe made a very brilliant speech— shockingly

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reported in the Times of Friday, and not apparently by telegraph—in Liverpool, on middle-class education. He remarked Mr. Lowe,—then, that would be the way to make them rise...

With regard to Irish policy or no-policy, we have discussed

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Lord Stanley's speech elsewhere. We must not, however, neglect to record his emphatic declaration on repeal or independence,—that " we will not allow the British Empire to be...

The Bishop of Capetown intends to have the new schismatic

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Bishop, the Rev. W. K. Macrorie, consecrated to-day. lie is not in any way deterred by a very manly and courteous expostulation from the Bishop of London, who has declared his...

Years ago, writing on the " Golden Bull" of India—Lord

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Can- ning's Proclamation to Native Princes—we ventured to predict that the Indian Government, having given up annexing States, would be forced to begin annexing powers. That...

The French Government is about, it is said, to issue

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a loan. There is a deficit to be made up, the Chassepots must be paid for, there have been " expenses for defence," and the Mexican bond- holders, who are muttering savagely all...


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L ORD STANLEY made a very able speech at the Bristol Con- servative demonstration on Wednesday,—though his ability was chiefly shown, as regards the future, in the very...

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Lord Hobart has been trying to make out a case

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for including the reference of our right to acknowledge the belligerency of the South in the reference to arbitration proposed by Lord Stanley as to the Alabama claims. We...

The House of Representatives of the United States has been

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short and sharp with Mr. Johnson. In reply to his Message ask- ing them to thank General Hancock for his nobility in declining to over-ride by military authority the Civil...

sent the Emperor the cap and staff usually presented to

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Sovereigns house" to mind the greater affairs going on around him. Mr. Lowe who have done any conspicuous act on behalf of the Church. The maintained that had he been better...

A man named Barratt, believed to be the person who

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actually fired the powder which blew down the wall of Clerkenwell Prison, has been arrested in Glasgow.

The nickname of " The Upper Ten Thousand" seems to

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involve a numerical mistake. It appears from some tables just presented to the Statistical Society by Mr. Dudley Baxter, tables based upon income-tax returns, that 7,084 persons...

The Irish Government has made an amusing but still provoking

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blunder. The well known George Francis Train, the man who tried to lay down tramways on the Bayswater Road, and was fined, he says, about 20,0001. for not understanding that...

That is pretty complete in itself, but the House of

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Represen- tatives has gone further. It has passed, by 123 against 45 votes, a declaratory Bill asserting that there are as yet no valid civil governments in the late rebel...

Mr. Lowe concluded by a very forcible denunciation of educa-

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tional endowments, which he considered as bribes given by a bar- barous age to a civilized age to keep it back as near as possible to the standard of its own barbarism. After...

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The eruption of Vesuvius appears to be still active. About

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the 4th and 5th of this month we reported that the streams of lava were threatening Regina and Torre del Greco. They diverged; however, slightly, and these towns were saved, and...

A scarcity of Stock having been experienced, the market for

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Home Securities has continued steady, and prices generally have been well supported. On Monday, Consols, both for money and the account, were done at 94, 93, and yesterday they...

Matilda Griggs, labourer's daughter, was stabbed by her lover, to

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whom she had borne a child, in thirteen places, and nearly died from loss of blood. She tried to protect him, and fled, but the would-be murderer was sentenced, on other...

We are a practical people, we English, enthusiastic for physical

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-science, eager for wealth, desirous, above all things, of increasing the dominion of man over Nature and her forces. In this genera- tion our two representative men in that...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Bonds left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Jan. 17. Friday, Jan. 24. Mexican Spanish New — Turkish 6 per Ceuta., 1858 _ United States 5.20's ... 15 1 ... 35 ... GO ... 57/...

Count rambray Digny has offered his budget to the Italian

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Parlia- ment, and his statement of accounts, though unsatisfactory, is intel- ligible enough. None of the reports,—we have searched through four,—give the most important figures...

Mr. Charles Kean, the tragedian, died on Wednesday night, at

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the age of 58. He was not a great actor, except in one part— that of Louis XL, for which he seems to have been born—but he won his way to considerable success and celebrity by...

Sir Roderick Murchison was right, after all, about Dr. Living-

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stone; and Sir Samuel Baker, who seemed to think that the .Johanna men who deserted him were utterly untrustworthy except when they brought bad news, is fortunately wrong....

We have received a perfect heap of letters upon the

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cultiva- tion of tobacco in Ireland, the writers of which certainly demon- strate one point. Tobacco can be grown in Ireland, and especially in Wexford, to almost any...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Jan. 17. Friday, Jan. 24. Great Eastern... Great Northern Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton ... London and...

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THE SANGUINE MINISTERS AT BRISTOL. I T is but becoming for Conservatives to find reasons against doing anything, and we have no right, therefore, to com- plain of Lord Stanley...

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T HE recent Educational Conference at Manchester seems to have declared itself distinctly in favour of two important principles, (1) the frank admission of denominational and...

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QADOWA had its compensations even for the Hapsburgs- k..) One result of that battle, which will hereafter be reckoned among the few battles which have changed the face of the...

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I T is with a feeling of almost weary disappointment that we have read the short speech pronounced on Tuesday by Lord Frederick Cavendish before the Bradford Chamber of...

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I / VE beg all Anglo-Indians to study carefully the new Furlough Rules as they have come home, and as they will ultimately issue from the crucibles of the India House. They...

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T HE John Ball, a very respectable bat rather dull paper, which just now acts as organ of the high-and-dry branch of the English Church, is greatly exercised by the Queen's...

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T HERE is a legend that the accomplished architect of the Museum at Oxford left directions that the design to be sculptured out in the arch over the doorway should be a sort of...

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(FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] THE chief towns of the five principal Australian Colonies are separated by nearly equal intervals. The distances from Adelaide to Melbourne,...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—On the 28th of last month a life of much promise closed in the Hospital of San Agata, at Rome. I shall be glad if you will allow me...

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have read with very great pride your article in last Saturday's issue of the Spectator, and only wish that half the praise bestowed on my work was merited by me alone. The...


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EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your notice of my article in the Theological Review you find something of a passionate wilfulness in the statement of my conviction, that...


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DR. NEWMAN'S POEMS.* IT is a rare pleasure to have Dr. Newman's verses at last collected and dated for us by their author,—dated both in time and place,— from the earliest...

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ESSAYS ON A LIBERAL EDUCATION.* No one will be ready

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to assent to all the views set forth in these essays. Indeed they display, and are not the less instructive because they display, a considerable divergence of opinion. But no...

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THE genius of the last hundred years has been inconsistent, variable, and destructive, corresponding to that period in the life of the individual when a man, agitated by a...

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Rain : How, When, Where, Why it is Measured ?

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By G. J. Symons, F.M.S. (Stanford.)—Each of the questions put on the title- page of this book is answered clearly and conclusively by the book itself. Mr. Symons describes the...

The Voyage alone in the Yawl Rob Roy. By John

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Macgregor, M.A. (Low, Son, and Marston.)—The second cruise of the Rob Roy canoe was not equal in interest to the first. Mr. Macgregor has done well to com- mission a new craft...

SPIRITUAL WIVES.* THE publication of this book is, we think,

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a decided, if not a grave, literary mistake. Mr. Hepworth Dixon has tried to per- form a task forbidden by his own self-imposed conditions. He has been induced by the great...

Home Sundays; or, Help and Consolation from the Sanctuary. By

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the Rev. George Everard. (W. Hunt and Co.)—The professed object of this book is to provide meditations for those who cannot come to church. We presume that if they went to...

Guide to the Cricket Ground. By George.H. Selkirk. (Macmillan.) —In

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every way good and complete, whether as elucidating the rules of cricket, interpreting its terms, or teaching its method. The only sen- tence that tempts us to express...


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Thunder and Lightning. By W. do Fonvielle. Translated from the French, and edited by T. L. Phipson. (Lo v, Son, and Maraton.)—We have often heard of popularizing science, but in...

Glimpses of Abyssinia : Extracts from Letters by the late

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Major Douglas C. Graham. Edited by his sister Anna, Lady Erskine. (Longman.)—In the years 1841, 1842, and 1843 Major Graham, of the Bombay Army, was sent on a mission to the...

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Europe-t Armaments in 1867. By Captain C. B. Brackenbury, R.A.

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(Chapman and Hall.)—Letters written to the Times from Paris form the basis of this volume. Captain Brackenbury describes the heavy ordnance, the light artillery, the small arms,...

Reginald Vane is one of those stories for which readers

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are found, which can be skimmed through without trouble, but of which, after all, there' is nothing to be said.