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Makalle and Ogaden The nature of the Italian success in

The Spectator

Southern Abyssinia is becoming clearer. Ras Desta's men, half starved in the barren scrub between the Ganale Doria and the Dawa, with their commissariat service—such as it was—...

T HAT the Cabinet should have deferred its decision regarding both

The Spectator

the expansion of its: armament' programme and - the nature of the new defence organisa - ' tion is intelligible, for rarely have this country's disposi- NEWS OF THE WEEK T HAT...

Once more the United Stitii Congress has frustrilted the desire

The Spectator

of the President to take a step that would make for the stabilisation of peace. Mr. Roosevelt's recent warning that Americans trading with either of the belligerents in the...

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The Increase in Unemployment The latest statistics of unemployment are

The Spectator

disquieting. Between December 16th, 1935, and January 26th, 1936, the number of unemployed rose by 291,157 to 2,159,722. Even though that total is less by 165,651 than the...

Pool Betting The Christian Social Council's deputation which on Monday

The Spectator

impressed the dangers of football-pool betting on the Home Secretary had a case which deserves more immediate attention than Sir John Simon seems likely to give it. In 1934 it...

To Speed Up -the Law The most important recommendation of

The Spectator

Lord Peel's Commission on the " state of business in the King's Bench Division " is that a new post should be created at the Law Courts, whose holder, a " well-paid whole- time...

The Spindles Bill It is the cotton spinners themselves who

The Spectator

have given the strongest support to the Cotton Spinning Industry Bill, which was read for a second time on Tuesday, and that. is its chief justification. Opposition has been...

M. Sarraut's Debut There seems now only one reason why

The Spectator

M. Sarraut's Ministry should not last comfortably until the elections. On his first contact with the Chamber he received the support, unfamiliar lately to a French Prime...

The Murder at Davos The assassination of the German Nazi

The Spectator

agent Herr Gustloff at Davos by a young Yugoslav Jew has naturally aroused intense indignation in Germany, and reprisals against Jews in that country are to be feared. That...

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The Ross and Cromarty by-election has created much searching of

The Spectator

heart among the Government Liberals. They have no hostility towards Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, but they feel that it was very unfair on them that with the small number of seats that...

Gambling and Charity The action for damages brought against the

The Spectator

organiser of a gambling party held in aid of charity did no good either to the plaintiff or the organiser or to charity. It is a bad argument for voluntary medical services...

Mr. Lansbury's motion on world fears on Wednesday afternoon gave

The Spectator

the opportunity to Mr. Lloyd George to make his first speech since the election. In manner and form it was one of his best, but as a reasoned argument as to what should be done...

Mr. Rurreiman did not raise the spirits of the House

The Spectator

when he rose to move the second reading of the Cotton Spinning Bill. Seldom can a Cabinet in charge of an important measure have been less enthusiastic about its provisions. His...

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : The

The Spectator

House of Commons met on Tuesday after the Christmas Recess in an atmosphere of profound gloom. The sad occasion which had called us together a fortnight before was to some...

The White Elephant The beet-sugar industry, fostered at vast expense

The Spectator

by the taxpayer, is now, by the Government's Sugar Industry (Reorganisation) Bill, to give birth to a semi-public cor- poration. The Greene Committee indeed recommended the...

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The Spectator

OF EUROPE T HE talks that have been in progress in Paris in the past week are capable of consolidating the peace of Europe or of imperilling it. Of • their importance,...

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The Spectator

THE new Education Bill and the memorandum accompanying it have had a very , bad reception from those interested in education. How could it be otherwise ? The Government's...

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The Spectator

A GOOD many battles will break out again with the publication of the second volume of Mr. Duff Cooper's Life of Lord Haig. The first instalment of it, appearing in advance in...

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The Spectator

By H. G. WELLS T HOSE portions of The Anatomy of Frustration which deal with what Steele calls the Rational Objective of Life," the completest, most satisfying merger-immor-...

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The Spectator

By the MASTER OF THE TEMPLE I T was inevitable that the Report of the Archbishops' Commission on Church and State, appearing as it did (as result of a long-standing arrangement)...

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The Spectator

By J. A. SPENDER DIE SPECTATOR was right when it said last week .1 that the question of Egypt was of. urgent im- portance. Since then the tension has been somewhat relieved by...

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The Spectator

par ANDRE MAUROIS Cette histoire pourrait etre un symbole asses exact de la vie de Kipling lui-meme. II a commence - la vie en homme d'action. 11 a vecu parmi ceux qui...

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The Spectator

By w. T HE nationalist regime at Nanking, which is closely identified with the personality of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek, is today engaged in an unusual activity for China—a race...

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The Spectator

By PROFESSOR R. G. STAPLEDON T HERE are factors impinging on each other today which are assuredly the heralds of an agricultural revolution which, while world-wide, will affect...

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The Spectator

By JOHN SPARROW In the future, it seems, even this privilege is to be denied him, and Mrs. Mitchison's book is interesting for the prospect it reveals of a world in which an "...

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The Spectator

By MONICA REDLICH " I'm only thinking of you, dear" means I am now about to get a bit of any own back. " I don't want to make you unhappy " means I will now repeat to you...

A Hundred Years Ago

The Spectator

" THE SPECTATOR," FEBRUARY 6TH, 1830. The Session of Parliament was opened on Thursday, with a Royal Speech,. soon followed, we are happy to say, by a Tory defeat. Sir Robert...

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The Cinema

The Spectator

"Dr. Socrates." At the Regal.--" The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo." At the New Gallery.-- " The Imperfect Lady." At the Tivoli TUERE are occasions when I envy dramatic...


The Spectator

The Thea t re " The Dog Beneath the Skin." By W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood. At the Westminster Theatre The Dog Beneath the Skin is in every respect a much more...

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Art r- Furtwingler

The Spectator

[Von einem deutschen Korrespondenten] Ica lernte Wilhelm Furtwangler ersten Nachkriegsjalue kennen. Der damals etwa Dreissigjahrige war Kapellmeister am National-Theater in...

These Minor Monurnen ts FROM the point of view of

The Spectator

pure enjoyment, there is much to be said for only looking at the best paintings, or, at any rate, at those which we believe at any particular moment to be the best: But as soon...

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The Spectator

The Provocative Fox The fox is still the most interesting and by- far the most provocative of English wild animals. He has some quality of arousing the passions that none of...

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The Spectator

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably pastille. - The most suitable length is that of one of our "News of the...

SIR, —I was amazed and somewhat shattered by the number

The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR./ of ideas which were read into my letter by anyone except myself and by the number of points which were misconstrued. I suppose that is one of...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of TIDE SPECTATOR.] Sui,—May I reply briefly to Mr. Bentley's letter in your issue of January 31st? Mr. Bentley certainly has strange ideas about blisters. How...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Your Canadian correspondent does well to draw atten- tion to the enormous influence exercised upon the Dominion by the United States in...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR.—Your editorial note on January 81st on this subject is very valuable. As The Spectator is doubtless read by many Justices, may I...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —While due and appreciative notice has been taken in our Press of the official demonstrations of French sympathy, in regard to King...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—Probably few wise men want to see our so-called " secular " lives marked off too rigidly from our religions, our Sundays from our...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Snt,—We have read Mr. Lionel James' letter under the above heading with some surprise. One might have expected that before writing this letter...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of _THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I protest against Janus' sweeping complaint that the B.B.C.'s closing down last Tuesday after the Royal Funeral was " indefensible "...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Mr. Philip Cox's letter leaves me impenitent. The birth of a West Indian Welfare Society does not disprove my statement that the majority...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—With the general view expressed in the last sentence of Mr. G. D. Bone's letter, published in your issue of January 24th, namely that the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Although Mr. Sassoon's Aunt . Eudora began her reading at Chaucer, it seems that she must have overlooked the metaphysical verse of the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The admirable article on " Royal Exemplars " in your issue of January 31st contains one misleading sentence on which I ask your leave to...

Page 22

A Critique of the League BOOKS OF THE DAY

The Spectator

By PROFESSOR C. K. WEBSTER TnE recent and well-deserved horioni conferred on Professor Zimmern has coincided with the publication of his most important book on international...

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The Mysticism of Mr. Heard

The Spectator

MR. HEARD'S new book ranges over a vast field. Biology, psychology, anthropology, pre-history, history, ethics— -all these are brought within its scope. In the most literal...

The History of Sea-Power

The Spectator

" To many members of the British Empire Nairal History still remains a strange compound of prejudice, sentimentality, and archaeological chit-chat. Fleets loom up with grand but...

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- The Miners - Leader_ on Minh* . Y . 7 7 The Coal

The Spectator

Scuttle: By Joseph Jones. • (Faber and Faber. .5s.) Mn: JONES,` who is the president, of the Wineworkers'Fedem. tion„ put this book through. the PreSS -at a. time when it was...

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The Dilemma of Civilised Persons

The Spectator

Christianity, History, and Civilisation. By Roger B. Lloyd. (Levitt Dickson. 10s. 6d.) CIVILISATION eludes exact definition, but the civilised person is characterised by faith...

The Japanese Challenge

The Spectator

Eastern Industrialisation and its Effect on the West. By G. E. Hubbard. (Oxford University Press. 18s.) Trade and Trade Barriers in the Pacific. By Philip G. Wright. (P. S....

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A German on Robert- Burns

The Spectator

THIS work, by a distinguished member of the staff of Gottingen University, was published in German in , 1919, since when there have been several calls for its appearance in .-...

Proletarian Literature in the United States. An Anthology.

The Spectator

Writing and Revolution (Martin Lawrence. 7s. 6d.) The American Writers' Congress. Edited by Henry Hart. (Martin Lawrence. 6s.) IN the Soviet Union the frame of life is...

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The Spectator

By SEAN O'FAOLAIN In the Second Year. By Storm Jameson. (Cassell. Is. 6d.) Crusade. By Rupert Croft-Cooke. (Jarrolds. 7s. 6d.) Hell's Belts. By Marmaduko Dixey. (Faber 'and...

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Gramophone Notes

The Spectator

The Best of Recent Recordings THE new year has opened auspiciously with a set of records which everyone interested in contemporary music will un- doubtedly wish to...


The Spectator

More Bankers' Views on the Situation N.P.B. MEETING. WITH the meetings held last week , of the National Provincial and Lloyds, this year's series of Bank Meetings have come to...

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Financial Notes

The Spectator

MARKET'S STILL HOPEFUL. UP to the time of writing, the Stock Markets are still showing considerable resistance to external influences such as those represented by disturbed...

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The February Magazines

The Spectator

In the Fortnightly Mr. F. Hammond commends the uprising of British democracy against the Hoare-Laval plan in " The December Crisis," so as to give a lead to the world on behalf...

"The Spectator" Crossword No. 176

The Spectator

Br 2550 LA Ptizaof one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword...


The Spectator

The winner of Crossword No. 175 is Mr. A. E. Croft, 19 St. Paul's Road, Bournemouth.