7 JANUARY 1882

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INDE X.-1882.

The Spectator

— — and Parliamentary Government ... 823 Blanc, M. Louis, Death of ... 1571 Blaine's, Mr., Despoil& on Chili and Peru ... 149 Blunt, Mr. W., and Sir E. Malet on Arabi Pasha 1015...

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The negotiations for the French Commercial Treaty are broken off

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for the present, and it seems pretty certain that the old Treaty will now be allowed to expire on February 8th,—that is, at the end of the three months for which it was...

On Tuesday, Mr. Bright and Mr. Chamberlain addressed their constituents

The Spectator

at Birmingham, in speeches chiefly devoted to the Irish Question. Mr. Bright pointea out, in relation to the charge brought against Mr. Gladstone that in his Irish policy he...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPEC- 'TATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The First of...

The week has been full of rumours, statements, and denials

The Spectator

about Egypt. The rumours and statements, which are strongly affirmed by correspondents of the Times, and are evidently believed in Vienna, all tend to this—that the British and...

* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


) The best answer to the landlords' meeting is, perhaps,

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the letter from Lord Monck to the Times, which appeared on Monday. Lord Monck, who knows the subject profoundly and has governed provinces, says that the late Sir R. Griffith...

NEWS OF THE WEEK • 'T HE landlords of Ireland met

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"in their thousands" in Dublin on Tuesday, in the Exhibition Palace. One duke, five mar- quises, twenty-two earls, eight viscounts, and twenty-two barons, with about 3,000...

The latest news from Cairo is that Arabi Bey, the

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leader of the soldiers and the Nationalists, has been appointed Under- Secretary for War. This means that his demands are con- ceded, and exactly corresponds to Colonel Gordon's...

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It is proposed to bring forward a tenant-farmer, Mr. Samuel

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Rowlandson, for the seat in the North Riding of Yorkshire vacated by the death of Viscount Helmsley. The farmers propose to raise funds for paying the expenses of the electior„...

Lord Derby was entertained on Wednesday by the Liverpool Reform

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Club, and made an impressive speech of his own pecu- liar kind, in which he disclaimed any great change in his own per- sonal convictions, declaring that though so long a...

Mr. Bright, in proposing a vote of thanks to the

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Mayor of Bir- mingham, Mr. Alderman Avery, for presiding, intimated that the present Mayor does not go as far as the representatives of Bir- mingham in politics, and might even...

Mr. Chamberlain's speech was in the same vein. He met

The Spectator

the Tory attacks on the Land Act by showing how necessary it had been, and how gross was the injustice not unfrequently admitted by landlords, some of whom had reduced out of...

The Revenue Returns for the year are good, but not

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brilliant. The Customs still show a tendency to disappoint expectation, and the increase in the Excise, which Mr. Gladstone expected as a result of the change from a malt duty...

Mr. Bright and Mr. Chamberlain spoke again at Birmingham on

The Spectator

Thursday, devoting themselves to subjects other than those- connected with Ireland. Mr. Bright stated that, in his opinion, the right way to deal with the reform question was to...

Mr. Chamberlain's speech was a very effective plea for the

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emancipation of the House of Commons from the fetters of obstructive talk which hinders all action. He enumerated a great number of pressing administrative measures in his own...

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It is not easy to see why it seems to

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be so much a point of honour with the Tories to exaggerate the terror in Ireland. Even with regard to the personal safety of strangers travelling there, the Tories seem to think...

The Jews of Warsaw have been attacked by the townspeople,

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and believe that the mobs acted with the consent of the authori- ties. A false alarm of fire raised in the Cathedral caused a stampede, during which twenty ladies were killed...

The American Government appears to entertain a serious project of

The Spectator

some kind with regard to the Spanish-American Republics. Mr. Blaine, before retiring from office, addressed, in November, a letter to the Governments of Mexico, of Central...

Consols were on Friday 991 to 99; ad.

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The Blenheim Library is being Bald, and fetches unexpected prices.

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The still more splendid library of Hamilton Palace is therefore to be sold. Apparently, whenever a great noble wants money, the possession he finds it easiest to part with is...

The Abbe Valin, of Lyons, has been lecturing the Pope

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on the mischievousness of the policy of the Syllabus, as re-enforced by the declaration of Infallibility. He quotes St. Bernard is neither poison nor the sword that I fear so...

The Pall Mall Gazette calls special attention to a statement

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from its own correspondent that M. Ga.mbetta contemplates a change of Ministry. He will, it is said, place M. Leon Say and M. Freycinet in his Cabinet, and supersede M. Paul...

A shocking story comes up from Staffordshire. A stone- mason,

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of Rushton, in that county. named Isaac Brooks, in January, 1880, prosecuted two farmers, S. Clowes and H. Johnson, for assaulting and mutilating him ; and chiefly upon his...

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The Spectator

THE CLOSURE. M R.. FREDERIC HARRISON is quite right that " Cloture " is not English ; and yet what we want in the House of Commons is something exceedingly English,—a simple...

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The Spectator

T HERE will be trouble about Egypt yet. It is quite evident, from all the semi-official " rumours " and " tentatives" and "indiscretions " put into circulation this week, that...


The Spectator

W E hardly know what is the peculiar meaning which Mr. Bright attaches to the term "Democracy," when he denies that he is a Democrat. He is, he says, not a democrat, because he...

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W S., have no intention of attacking the Irish landlords who on Tuesday assembled in such vast numbers in Dublin, to plead their cause before the country. We deem their speeches...

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W E know of few things more singular in the occurrences of the day than the slight attention which the virtual -termination of Marshal von Moltke's official career has excited...


The Spectator

W ITH the new year comes into operation by far the most important Act for the simplification of land transfer which has been passed since the abolition of the antique machinery...

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The Spectator

T HE outside world probably reads the accounts which appear from time to time of the worship of the Positivists with ever increasing wonder and bewilderment. But then, the...

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The Spectator

T HE discreditable story received this week from Derbyshire, under the heading, "Outrage at Alfreton Hall," has not yet been clearly explained, and probably never will be. The...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—One of the most troublesome questions which will occupy the attention of Parliament as soon as it meets will be the right of the Junior...


The Spectator

A CENSUS OF RELIGIOUS PROFESSION. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Notwithstanding your exceptional liberality in allowing in your columns expressions of opinion...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." Stre,—I have to thank you for publishing my letter on the new Land Act, in the Spectator of the 24th. In your note appended to it, which I...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sta,—If I were to tell you that I have seen and analysed the waters of a river which runs two degrees north of the Equator, and found in...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—If your readers are not weary of the subject of reporters' mistakes, they may like to see a couple of typical examples of them,...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Bearing well in mind the advice given in the tenth num- ber of your ancestor who flourished under Queen Anne, and is not yet forgotten,...


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MR. WATTS'S PAINTING. [THE GROSVENOR GALLERY.—PIRST NOTICE.] THIS exhibition has more than justified the hopes of Mr. Watts's most fervent admirers. It will be a landmark in...

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JOURNALS OF CAROLINE FOX.* ALTHOUGH the writer of these Journals, were she still among Ant, would have but lately passed her sixtieth year, and the names which enrich the page...

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Ma. WOOLNER has understood the true poetry in the legend of Pygmalion better than most of his predecessors, either Greek or English. He sees that the physical magic in the...

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QUEEN ANNE'S SON.* THERE is often a peculiar interest, for

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those who do not hold very strict theories of the philosophy of history, in the memoirs of princes who were born to a crown, which a premature death did not suffer to burden...

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M. JULES SCROLL is a Swiss literary gentleman of distinction, member of the Asiatic Society of Paris, author of a learned work on Islam, &c. Nothing was further, he tells us,...

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WELLINGTON IN INDIA.* FOUR supplementary volumes of Wellington's "Papers," written

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in India, were added by the present Duke to the three originally published by Colonel Garwood. From these seven volumes Mr. Sidney Owen has made a selection, accompanied with...

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The Spectator

IF American ambition lay in being talked about, Americans ought to be happy now-a-days, for the books concerning them continue to multiply ; and the tone of criticism is...

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TrEE Contemporary has the best papers this month. It would be difficult to state the case against peasant-proprietorship in a more amusing or more striking way than Lady Verney...

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The Tsar's Window. "No-name Series." (Roberts Brothers, Boston, U.S.)—If the

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name of the author is concealed, her nationality is evident. She is an American of the Americans. Her book is fall of the curious sympathy which the great Republic feels for the...

Derval Hampton ; a Story of the Sea. By James

The Spectator

Grant. 2 vols. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—Mr. Grant likes, it would seem, to show his versatility. We all know that he is at home in the camp ; and now he invites us to accompany him...

Vallombrosa. By W. W. Story. (Blackwood and Sons.)—Mr. Story's little

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book has two aspects. In the one, he gives, with genuine artistic feeling, his impressions of the beautiful scenery of Vallombrosa ; in the other, he teaches on the religions...

A Handbook of Home Life and Elementary Instruction, issued by

The Spectator

Messrs. Chapman and Hall, is a small book containing a number of suggestions for the managers and teachers of elementary schools. It would need the technical acquaintance with...

The Beginner's Latin Exercise Book. By the Rev. C. Sherwill

The Spectator

Dawn. (Rivingtons.)—We have no objection to Mr. Dawe's method. It lays stress on constant repetition, and, if carried out, will probably be effective. But we do object to his...

Rambles and Studies in Old South Wales. By Wirt Sikes.

The Spectator

(Samp- son Low and Co.)—It is pleasant to hear a friend, candid, indeed, but never allowing his candour to get the better of his friendliness, talking about ourselves and our...


The Spectator

Baldearg O'Donnell ; a Tale of 1690-91. By the Hon. Albert S. G. Canning. 2 vols. (Marcus Ward and Co.)—Baldearg O'Donnell is an officer in the service of the King of Spain, who...

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Higher Aspects of Spiritualism. By "M. A." (Oxon.) (E. W.

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Allen.)—" M. A." pleads for the importance of Spiritualism, and its teachings as regards Revealed Truth, and attempts an apology for its existence. At the same time, he protests...