7 JANUARY 1882, page 10

It Is Proposed To Bring Forward A Tenant-farmer, Mr. Samuel

Rowlandson, for the seat in the North Riding of Yorkshire vacated by the death of Viscount Helmsley. The farmers propose to raise funds for paying the expenses of the electior„......

Lord Derby Was Entertained On Wednesday By The Liverpool...

Club, and made an impressive speech of his own pecu- liar kind, in which he disclaimed any great change in his own per- sonal convictions, declaring that though so long a......

On Tuesday, Mr. Bright And Mr. Chamberlain Addressed...

at Birmingham, in speeches chiefly devoted to the Irish Question. Mr. Bright pointea out, in relation to the charge brought against Mr. Gladstone that in his Irish policy he......

Mr. Bright, In Proposing A Vote Of Thanks To The

Mayor of Bir- mingham, Mr. Alderman Avery, for presiding, intimated that the present Mayor does not go as far as the representatives of Bir- mingham in politics, and might even......

Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Was In The Same Vein. He Met

the Tory attacks on the Land Act by showing how necessary it had been, and how gross was the injustice not unfrequently admitted by landlords, some of whom had reduced out of......

The Revenue Returns For The Year Are Good, But Not

brilliant. The Customs still show a tendency to disappoint expectation, and the increase in the Excise, which Mr. Gladstone expected as a result of the change from a malt duty......

Mr. Bright And Mr. Chamberlain Spoke Again At Birmingham On

Thursday, devoting themselves to subjects other than those- connected with Ireland. Mr. Bright stated that, in his opinion, the right way to deal with the reform question was to......

Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Was A Very Effective Plea For The

emancipation of the House of Commons from the fetters of obstructive talk which hinders all action. He enumerated a great number of pressing administrative measures in his own......