7 JANUARY 1882, page 11

It Is Not Easy To See Why It Seems To

be so much a point of honour with the Tories to exaggerate the terror in Ireland. Even with regard to the personal safety of strangers travelling there, the Tories seem to think......

The Jews Of Warsaw Have Been Attacked By The Townspeople,

and believe that the mobs acted with the consent of the authori- ties. A false alarm of fire raised in the Cathedral caused a stampede, during which twenty ladies were killed......

The American Government Appears To Entertain A Serious...

some kind with regard to the Spanish-American Republics. Mr. Blaine, before retiring from office, addressed, in November, a letter to the Governments of Mexico, of Central......

Consols Were On Friday 991 To 99; Ad.


The Blenheim Library Is Being Bald, And Fetches...

The still more splendid library of Hamilton Palace is therefore to be sold. Apparently, whenever a great noble wants money, the possession he finds it easiest to part with is......

The Abbe Valin, Of Lyons, Has Been Lecturing The Pope

on the mischievousness of the policy of the Syllabus, as re-enforced by the declaration of Infallibility. He quotes St. Bernard is neither poison nor the sword that I fear so......

The Revenue Returns For The Year Are Good, But Not

brilliant. The Customs still show a tendency to disappoint expectation, and the increase in the Excise, which Mr. Gladstone expected as a result of the change from a malt duty......

The Pall Mall Gazette Calls Special Attention To A Statement

from its own correspondent that M. Ga.mbetta contemplates a change of Ministry. He will, it is said, place M. Leon Say and M. Freycinet in his Cabinet, and supersede M. Paul......

A Shocking Story Comes Up From Staffordshire. A Stone-...

of Rushton, in that county. named Isaac Brooks, in January, 1880, prosecuted two farmers, S. Clowes and H. Johnson, for assaulting and mutilating him ; and chiefly upon his......