9 APRIL 1942, page 14

In The Garden The Loveliest Garden Sight I Have Seen

this spring is a bit of flat rod almost entirely possessed by iris reticulata, and grape hyacinth. the dark purple irises were a few plants of the light blue variety created by......

Village Jam The Women's Institutes, Which Are Doing...

for production and preservation, feel that they are not quite fairly ira by the Government. They make jams and bottle fruit ; but the "$w non vobis" principle is roughly......

Country Life It Has Been Claimed For April—shakespeare's...

May C.haucer's—that it is the prettiest word in the English, or Latin, guage ; and because, like woman, it is mutabile sem per, it is the exciting month by a very long lead. We......

Editors And The Army S Your Issue Of April 3rd

" Janus " alludes to the calling up for military service of a newspaper editor, and goes on to say : "There was, I believe, some oversight about applying for . . . reservation,......

India And Congress Sia,—it Is A Somewhat Sinister...

in all the spate of words on the subject of India I Lave never heard the word villager mentioned. There are about 300 million of them in India. It will be interesting to see......

Hate-politics ?

SIR,—I am puzzled by Mr. Scott-James's review of Shall Our Children Live or Die? so Puzzled that I wondered for a moment if he and I had been reading the same book. How can he,......

The Colonial Problem Sul—lord Hailey's Grave Words Prompt...

write, as co one change that has come about in Colonial administration since the days of slow travel. Home leave comes after three years, and the district Commis- sioner finds......

Sm,—mr. Israel Cohen's Letter Begs The Issue. The...

the `Strurna ' were Rumanians, i.e., they were enemy aliens. It would have been a criminal act on the part of the British authorities to allow a large number of enemy aliens to......

Good Companions A Flourish Has Been Set Recently On The

quaint and new science the cross-fertilisation of fruit. In regard to apples, pears, plums cherries, it is now precisely known which sorts need congenial no bours and what those......

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