10 JULY 1993, page 21

. . . Ring For Service

THE RING of bollards would have been a good idea (perhaps a better idea) if the IRA had never come to the City. What counts is to be in walking distance — which is why Barclays......

. . . Ici's Lunch Bills

THE CAREY family of ICI have been friends of mine for half a century, but in its history they go back further. In 1857 a research chemist called Eustace Carey joined a forebear......

Zeneca Can Afford . . .

IN IMPERIAL Chemical Industries' Mill- bank palazzo, I once asked Albert Edward Frost, who was finance director, why he was raising money. He brushed the question aside:......

We Have Lift-off . . .

TRIUMPH FOR the intrepid birdman of London City Airport. William Charnock and I met at the Savoy on Monday morn- ing, to test his claim that his airport could be reached from......

City And Suburban

Christchurch would vote for dearer money, but the economy wouldn't CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he Christchurch by-election looms ahead, and if Kenneth Clarke wants to win it for his......

Cause Without A Rebel

LEAVING THE ERM has been such a relief that the City is in no hurry to reboard the Eurobus to union. Easier to assume that the bus will not run, or not to time, anyway. We have,......