10 JUNE 1972, page 23

Bell's Future

ka a oPherson's article on I °I Ronald Bell (June 3) ttiisat service in calling atA o t he plight of a politicaln sticks to his principles. iieldanstituent who has adIt a ",......

Berkeley Replies

Sir: Mr C. N. Gilmore (Letters, June 3) may indulge in his particular whims and fantasies .to his heart's content. The facts are that I wrote to Harold Wilson applying to join......


Sir: I was interested to hear on the radio news this evening that Sir Alec Home's excuse for continuing the blockade of trade with Rhodesia was that it would be to Britain's......

Concorde Costs

Sir: Immediately after reading Bernard Dixon's statement (June 3) that Concorde cost ES for every man, woman and child in Britain, I saw an ITV programme on which all parties......

Invalidity Pensions

Sir: Custos (May 20) quotes from DIG's annual report a passage which is critical of the Government's new pension plan, and questions whether the criticism is justified. The......

Jews In England

Sir: Mr Adler (Letters, May 20) asserts "The rightof a nation to keep its racial character, whether that nation be Britain or Israel." The attitude underlying his letter......

From Mrs Geryke Young

Sir: Mr Henry Adler (Letters, May 20) overlooks the most crucial point when he compares Israel's tolerance vis - à - vis its 16 per cent Arabs with Britain's 0.6 per cent Jews......