10 JUNE 1972, page 25

The Good Life

Sir: With reference to Pamela Vandyke Price's gratuitous and selfimportant advice on May 27 to her hosts, I should not, were I to be acquainted with this person and the......

Restraining Puzzle

Sir: Could you please restrain Tom Puzzle? We are already in the bad books of various sponsors of the Night Assemblies Bill for killing their Bill. There is no need for Tom......

Cultural Pollution

Sir: Thank heaven someone has had the guts to cry out that Lord Goodman is not wearing the imperial clothes with which recent publicity has endowed him (Patrick Cosgrave, May......

Sir: David Holbrook's Concern For The Health Of Our Culture

(May 13), is admirable, his diagnosis however less SO. in the past his eye has often liken lured by the dazzle of chromed motorcycle tailpipes and ,other facets of his symbolic......