10 MAY 1940, page 6

As For The Business, Or Diversion, Of Cabinet-making, It Is

being carried rather unnecessarily far. There are, of course, a number of administrative positions which it is important to see filled by the best men, but the matter of......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE return of Sir Stafford Cripps to this country after a world-tour in which he has visited among other countries, Russia, China, India, Japan and the United States, is an......

By A Lamentable Oversight, For Which I Have Done Figurative

penance, a Latin quotation appeared in this column last week in a flagrantly incorrect form. It should have read C/arum et venerabile nomen Gentibus, et multum nostrae quod......

A Naval Officer Just Back From Norway Tells A Story

that throws an interesting sidelight on the speed of modern communications. At 5.30 p.m. one afternoon a Norwegian saw a submarine steaming up the coast. He ski-ed to the......

The Editor Of The Daily Sketch, Defending (in A Letter

to 7 - ; e Times) the publication by his paper of a statement that Capta,n Peter Fleming had been killed in Notway, writes: "The definite statement that Captain Fleming had been......

The Latest Set Of Unemployment Figures Has Produced, As...

set does produce, the explanation that in reality the situation is much better than appeors, because the figures include a number of people who have only been out of a job for a......

In Awarding Only Moderate Damages Against The Daily...

libels on Sir Walter Citrine and other Labour leaders, Mr. Justice Stable explained on Monday that he took that course because he did not want the damages to have the effect of......

Diplomacy In Shackles

A LETTER published in Tuesday's Daily Telegraph touches the fringe, or rather more than the fringe, of a subject of capital importance to which public attention is all too......