10 SEPTEMBER 1892, page 1

The Pamir _ Trouble Is Probably Over, The Czar Having...

Colonel Yanoff's proceedings. The Novosti Freesia of St. Petersburg declares that there can be no war - tetween Great Britain and Russia on account of the Pamirs, because Russia......

News Of The Week

M CARNOT has paid a State visit to Savoy, to be present • at the commemoration of the junction of the mountain province with France, and received a warm welcome, the clergy......

President Harrison's Election Manifesto, Which Takes The...

letter accepting his nomination by the Republican Convention, was published in Washington on Monday. The policy of Protection relieved by reciprocity with foreign States has, he......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


The Evening Papers Of Tuesday Contained A Report That Orders

had been issued to the British Garrison to evacuate Cairo, retaining possession only of the citadel. The troops displaced were to be encamped in Alexandria, or to be sent over......

The Trades-union Congress Has Been In Session In Glasgow...

the past week. The president, Mr. Hodge, one of the organisers of the Scotch railway strike, delivered an address, which was regarded as retrograde by the advanced section of......