10 SEPTEMBER 1892, page 3

We Would Call Attention To The Letter Of Our Correspondent,

Protap Chunder Mozoomdar, as the best statement of the case for the educated Bengalee that we have yet seen. With all that he says of the superior intelligence of the Bengalee,......

A Paper Written By Mr. Gladstone, On The Early Relation

of Greece to the East, was read on Monday before theiCongress of Orientalists. Mr. Gladstone disclaims any knowledge of Oriental history, languages, or literatures, and draws......

The Inevitable Split Has Taken Place In Ireland Among The

evicted tenants. Certain members of the Association are dis- satisfied with the position taken up at the recent interview with Mr. Morley, and they have accordingly seceded, and......

The September Number Of The North American Review Con- Tains

an interesting paper of reminiscences of Mr. Bright, by his nephew, Mr. M'Laren. In regard to his well-known ad- miration for the Queen, a remarkable saying of Mr. Bright's is......

Mr. William Redmond, At The Fortnightly Meeting Of The...

League, held on Tuesday, made a speech which was fierce even for him. He declared they would prove in the Law Courts in Dublin the methods by which the Parnellite can- didates......

A Renter's Telegram Of Thursday Announces That The Organ Of

the Premier of Newfoundland, Sir William Whiteway, has declared in favour of Newfoundland entering the Dominion. Since the terrible fire at St. John's in the beginning of July,......

At The Sitting On Tuesday, Mr. Flinders Petrie Gave A

a very curious account of his excavations of the temples and palaces of Khuenaten, a " Liberal" king of ancient Egypt, who appears to have been the first of the Realists. He......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On

Friday 97.......