11 FEBRUARY 1966, page 13

A Fascist Beast?

SIR,—In Modelled on Mussolini. I stated that the new Industrial Reorganisation Corporation was a step towards corporatism. Nicholas Davenport has certainly been sensitive to......

Think Again, Mr. Crosland

SIR,—Last week ∎ou printed a letter twin my friend Robin Davis which needs an answer. Mr. Davis said that Mr. Crosland's 'shot across the bows' is 'the writing on the wall' for......

Five-day Week For Banks

Slit —In February, 1964, the London clearing banks announced that the closing of banks on Saturdays was 'being urgently considered' in order to reach 'an early conclusion.' On......

Conscience On The Campus Sir,—last Autumn A Number Of...

at the University of Michigan took part in a demonstra- tion against the Vietnam war and staged a 'sit-down' in the local draft board office (i.e., conscription office). They......

Manners Makyth Man

Sia,—In your comment last week on our recent party political broadcast, you observed that 'politics is a dirty game' and said that 'Mr. Crossman knew well enough that his......

Blunden Versus Lowell

SIR,—Poor Mr. Lucie-Smith has been knocked clean out of the ring by five angry lightweights. He needs a second in his corner to wipe his wounds. Let me declare myself at once: I......

Supermach Iavelli Sir,—may I Reply To The Two Points You

raised in your 'Spectator's Notebook' last week in the course of your very generous comment on my article on recent political development in Encounter for February. You stated......