11 JANUARY 1879, page 2

Scotland Has For The Moment Gone Mad. The Preposterous And

immoral scheme of paying the debts of shareholders in the City of Glasgow Bank through a gigantic lottery has taken hold of men's minds till it is actually to be tried, and on......

The Strike Of The Goods' Guards On The Midland Line

has con- tinued all the week, and on Friday the dispute appeared to be more bitter than ever. The Directors of the Railway are intent on savings to meet some new expenses,......

London Was Startled On Wednesday By Rumours That Lord...

was seriously ill. They were officially denied, with a vehemence which made people think they might be true, and were repeated on Thursday morning, in the Standard, in a form......

As Turkey Has Refused The Request Of Greece To Appoint

Com- missioners to rectify the Greek frontier in the manner suggested by the Congress of Berlin, France has appealed to the 24th article of the Berlin Treaty, and asked European......

Mr. Forster Made A Powerful Speech To His Bradford Constitu-

ents on Monday, in St. George's Hall, chiefly on the foreign and constitutional policy of the Government, but partly also on the attempt of the Liberal Three Hundred to make him......

The General Speech Dwelt With Great Force On The Same

view which Mr. Forster has repeatedly expressed in Parliament, but he illustrated so happily the kind of happy-go-lucky expectations under which Lord Beaconsfield has engaged to......

Mr. Forster's Assertion That Lord Beaconsfield's...

spirit and meaning of the Constitution, and attempted to substitute for Parliamentary Government tha methods of the French Napoleonic system, has been attacked by a......

The Solicitor-general, Sir Hardinge Giffard, Delivered A...

at Salford, full of the bitter acrimony which hitherto has been the only distinguishing feature of his political career. He denounced all who called Tories " Jingoes," or spoke......