11 JANUARY 1879, page 3

Mr. Ralston Is A Very Amusing As Well As A

very learned lecturer on fairy-tales, but it is a little too bad of him to try and persuade us, as he did yesterday week, that Cinderella, besides wearing a slipper of fur,......

It Is Stated As Probable That Sir James Fitzjames Stephen

will be raised to the Bench, in the place of Baron Cleasby, who has resigned. We trust the rumour is true. The Government would find it hard to obtain so good a jurist, or so......

We Are Happy To Believe, From A Speech Made By

the Chairman of the Union Bank to the shareholders on Wednesday, that the great unlimited Banks will not resist a proposal for generally limiting the liability of Bank......

General Grant, In A Speech In Dublin Yesterday Week,—a...

which he declared to be the longest speech of his life, though the report of it occupies only a few lines,—gave Lord Beaconsfield a testimonial, as being in his opinion "one of......

The Liberals Of Mid-lothian Have, It Is Stated,...

solved to ask Mr. Gladstone to become a candidate for the county in the Liberal interest at the next election, in spite of Sir John Don Wanehope's foolish attack on him. The......

M. Gambetta Has Again Appeared As An Advocate, Having...

a brief from a friend, M. Challemel Lacour, who claimed 10,000 francs damages from a newspaper which described him falsely as a gambler who does not pay his debts. No justifica-......

Another Bank Has Gone Down,—this Time, A Private One. The

suspension of the Cornish Bank (Messrs. Williams, Tweedy, and Co.) was announced on Saturday, and the district of which Truro is the centre has ever since been a scene of......

Lord Granville, In Distributing The Prizes Yesterday Week...

successful students of the Hanley School of Art, remarked on the complete extinction of the sort of scepticism which used to exist as to the utility of scientific labours. He......

Consols Were On Friday 95 To 9511.
