11 JULY 1891, page 2

Four Men Were Executed By Electricity In New York On

the 7th inst. For some reason, the authorities had decided to exclude the public, and as an additional precaution to secure secrecy, the executions took place before 6 in the......

Feeling Is Passing Over The People, And Not Only Have

several Mission stations in the interior been attacked, but the foreign quarter of Shanghai has been threatened, and is watched by English, French, and German gunboats. The......

Mr. Goschen On Wednesday Introduced His Bill For...

gold coins from circulation, in a speech containing some interesting figures. It appears to be most difficult to ascertain the amount of gold coinage in the country, but the......

Mr. Healy's Action For Libel Against The Freeman's...

accusing him of having Wrongly advised his clients in the Gweedore case to plead guilty of a crime they had never committed, and for repeating Mr. P. M. Fitzgerald's accusa-......

Mr. W. H. Gladstone, Mr. Gladstone's Eldest Son, Died On

the morning of Saturday last, after an exploratory operation, of which the intention was to find out whether or not it would be possible to remove a tumour which was pressing on......

Yesterday Week, The Education Bill Passed Through Com-...

the Report stage was concluded on Tuesday. On Wednesday it was read a third time in the House of Commons without a division, and sent up to the Lords. Nothing could show more......

We Deeply Regret To See That The Accusations Of Corruption

among politicians which are so common in the United States, are extending to Canada. Sir H. Langevin, who was recently Minister of Public Works, is distinctly charged with......

The Election In Carlow County, To Fill Up The Seat

of the O'Gorman Mahon, has given a crushing triumph to the Anti- Parnellites. Their candidate, Mr. Hammond, was elected on Tuesday by a majority of considerably over two to one.......