11 JULY 1891, page 3

Mrs. Mona Caird, Who Makes A Very Diffuse Communication To

the Manchester Guardian of last Tuesday on the wrongs and woes of women, has arrived at a rather hasty generali- sation that women are suffering, that they are the victims of......

Mr. Forwood, Secretary To The Admiralty, Made A...

at the opening of a new Conservative club at Guildford on Wednesday, that the naval departments of the Government now work so much cheaper than the private traders who compete......

Mr. Healy's Action For Libel Against The Freeman's...

accusing him of having Wrongly advised his clients in the Gweedore case to plead guilty of a crime they had never committed, and for repeating Mr. P. M. Fitzgerald's accusa-......

The London School Board, At The Instance Of Mr. Lyulph

Stanley, have determined to throw open all their schools as free schools after the passing of the Free Education Bill, and not to encourage what Mr. Stanley very unjustly calla......

The Swiss Have Modified The Referendum So As To Give

an initiative to the people. The project was put to the vote on Sunday, and it was accepted by a mass-vote of 169,142 votes to 117,388, the innovators triumphing in 18 Cantons......

The Government Of India Has, We Fear, Made A Mistake

in its order placing all newspaper writers in any territory administered on its behalf, but not within legal "India," at the mercy of the administrative officer. The consent of......

- Mr. Spurgeon Is Dangerously Ill, And All The World Is

anxiously scanning the bulletins in hope of finding some encouragement to expect his recovery. It is a favourable sign of the times that the Archbishop of Canterbury and his......

Mr. Chamberlain Made An Interesting Little Speech On...

Wednesday, at the fifty-second anniversary festival of the Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Institution, at the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole. He quoted Bacon's essay in......

Bank Rate, 24 Per Cent. New Consols (24) Were On

Friday 95i to 96.......