11 MAY 1878, page 1

News Of The Week

T HE clouds are said to be breaking. An opinion, whence de- rived it is still hard to say, has suddenly become general that Russia and England are on the eve of an agreement.......

So General Was The Disgust Of The Liberals, That On

Thursday night they resorted to a most unusual step. They virtually stopped the Supplies, until discussion had been allowed. The Budget Bill came on for its third reading, but......

Lord Hartington Also Asked Why The Decision To Summon The

Sepoys had not been communicated to Parliament, and Sir Stafford Northcote at first made a very high-sniffing reply. The decision had been arrived at some time ago, but "it was......

The House Of Commons Reassembled On Monday, And Lord...

at once asked for information as to the progress of negotiations, and whether Congress would or would not be assembled. Sir Stafford Northcote in reply told him that "active......

This Brought Up Sir S. Northcote, Who Informed The House

that the measure " was neither more nor less than a direction given by her Majesty for the moving of a portion of her forces from one part of her Empire to another "—an......

** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


On Tuesday Mr. Chamberlain Gave Notice That On An Early

day he would move a vote "condemning the policy of warlike demonstration which her Majesty's Government had pursued," and declaring for "a frank definition of the changes in the......