11 MAY 1878, page 3

Lord Carnarvon On Tuesday Opened Some New Municipal...

at Newbury, in a speech in which he justified on political grounds the present tendency towards a revival of the passion for grand municipal buildings. The history of States, he......

The Alexandria Correspondent Of The Times Affirms That...

Burton's expedition to Midian has been a great success. He brought back twenty-five tons of specimens, including all the valuable metals, turquoise, alabaster, and sulphur—of......

Earl Russell Had On Thursday The Singular Satisfaction Of...

a deputation from the principal Nonconformist bodies, to present him with an address on the fiftieth anniversary of the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, the measure......

Consols Were On Friday 95i To 96.


A Telegram Has Arrived Reporting The Murder Of Mr. Cooper,

the British resident at Shame, on the Chinese frontier of Burmah. As he was murdered along with two Sepoys by the Sepoy guard, the affair might be very serious, but that it is......

Mr. Gladstone On Wednesday Received At Hawarden An...

of Delegates from the North of England, to whom he made a speech, repeating his well-known views upon the Eastern Question, denouncing the summons to the Sepoys as uncon-......

The Government Suffered A Defeat On Tuesday In The Com-

mons in a local matter, but one involving a question of some importance to places where there exists a discretionary rate for the support of the clergy. The Rector of Bermondsey......

The Annual Dinner Of The Royal Academy Was Held As

usual on Saturday, and Lord Beaconsfield was the principal speaker. After complimenting the English on their imagination, and predicting for their painters a great future, a......

• Mr. Cowen's County-courts Bill Came On For The Second

read- ing on Wednesday, but was withdrawn, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General, pending the inquiries of a Select Com- mittee which is examining the subject of......