11 OCTOBER 1902, page 14

Sir Michael Hicks Beach And The War Office.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "8PECTALT011.1 Sin,—Sir Michael Hicks Beach, as you truly say in the Spectator of October 4th, has either told us too much or too little. He must let the......

The South African War Debt.

[To TRY EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Those who looked ahead during the late war towards what would happen when peace was made had no doubt in their minds that the future......

The Money Value Of The Voluntary Schools.

[TO THE EDITOR Or Tits "SPECTATOR."] Sin,--Your correspondent " Economicus " in the Spectator of October 4th would seem to have fallen into the error which is found in the......

The Education Bill And The Noncon- Formist Conscience.

[TO THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR:I SIR,—IS it allowable to ask what has become of the "Non- conformist conscience " ? A conscience, surely, is of little practical value which......