11 OCTOBER 1902, page 18

The Sayings Of Children.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the Spectator of September 27th a letter appeared containing many amusing and delightful anecdotes of children's sayings, all of......

A Correction.

[To ma EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stia,—I have read with delight your very favourable notice of "Italian Life in Town and Country" in the Spectator of September 27th, but no......


WORDSWORTH'S WEDDING (OcronER 4ra, 1802). ALONG these lanes the sweet wild rose Hath bloomed and faded, year by year: Between its banks the Derwent flows With tranquil current,......

A Plea For A New Word.

iTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." J Sin,—For a long time I have been hunting for a word, and, along with others, have come to the conclusion that the word does not exist.......

Matthew Arnold's Literary Judgments. Rto The Editor Of...

SIB,—In his letter (Spectator, September 27th) Mr. Lionel Tollemache states that "Arthur Stanley agreed with his old schoolfellow, Matthew Arnold." In the usual acceptation of......