12 APRIL 1902, page 14

Farmers And Parsons.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The question as between "farmers and parsons" has been so well stated by you (Spectator, April 5th) that I need not say much more on the......

Drill In Swiss Elementary Schools.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPELTATOR.1 SID,—Will you allow me to corroborate what a correspondent writes in the Spectator of April 5th about the healthy influence of the Swiss......

A History Chair For The South African College.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Slit,—Your correspondent, Mr. M. C. Seton, in a letter relating to University affairs at the Cape appearing in the Spectator of February......

Confiscations In The American Civil War.

(TO THE EDITOR OF TEE SPECTATOE."1 SIB, —In the letter from Mr. Charles C. Starbuck which appears in the Spectator of April 5th a statement is made regarding which I should......