12 APRIL 1902, page 23

Maseppa. By Fred Whishaw. (chatto And Windus. 6s.)— The Hero

of this novel is Byron's hero. Russia, with Ivan and Peter as joint Czars, furnishes, after the preliminary equestrian adventure, the scene and time in which the novel begins,......

The Dark O' The Moon : Being Certain Further Histories

of the Folk called "Raiders." By S. R. Crockett. (Macmillan and Co. Ss.)—Mr. Crockett's admirers will find plenty of his characteristic matter and manner to mystify and amuse......

By Allan Water.

By Allan Water. By Katherine Steuart. (Andrew Elliot, Edinburgh. 6s.)—This volume, which seems to be a delightful mixture of fiction and fact, tradition and history, imagination......

John Loll'a Alice. By Frances G. Barmester. (grant...

no list of other novels follows Miss or Mrs. Burmester's name on the title-page, we are probably right in considering John Lolt's Alice to be a first novel. It has, perhaps, one......

Mrs. Meynell's Later Poems.

Later Poems. By Alice Meynell. (John Lane. 28. 6d. net.)— There are barely twenty numbers in this little volume, and most of them are short ; but they are very delightful......

Current Literature.

LONDON AFTERNOONS. London Aftern oons. By W. J. Loftie. (Cassell and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—As there is necessarily no continuity in Mr. Lof tie's " Chap- ters on the Social Life,......