12 JULY 1968, page 30

Sir: I Am In Full Agreement With Christopher 1-1,*iis (14

June). Those of us who remember the flourishing days of county cricket will take the view that the decision to allow an increased importation of overseas players is a retrograde......

Cures For Cricket

Sir: In comment on Mr Weidberg's courteous letter (5 July), I would say from my experience (oversimplifying to save space) that there are two kinds of professional......

All At Sea Sir: Even Non-columnists Writing About Non-...

should do their homework, assuming they intend to be taken seriously. Mr Grundy (5 July) could 'find no mention' of Vietnam in the Observer of 30 June. He could hardly have......

Homosexuality Without Cant

Sir: I was not unaware of the facts Miss Renault adduces (Letters, 5 July), but her presentation of them only has the effect of misrepre:;:enting my own position. It may clarify......

The Truth About Essex

Sir: As I happen to live in Australia and my SPECTATOR reaches me by sea mail, I have only recently encountered Ian MacGregor's article in your issue of 24 May, 'The truth about......