12 JULY 1969, page 25

A Thoroughly Bad Bargain

Sir: Any ministerial interference with the due processes of the law gives cause for grave concern, and the Government's reported intention of trading the Krogers for the......

A La Mode

Sir: In the days of the Roman Empire it was common practice to expose unwanted babies. As the world became less barbaric, this practice stopped. One may well wonder whether the......

New Hope For Biafra?

Sir: Your correspondent, June Gibson of the Commonwealth News Agency (Letters, 21 June) states an important truth when she says that the agitation for the division into more......

Roll Up That Map Of England

Sir: I believe that the Maud Commission's proposals on local councils have been widely misunderstood. It is true that the responsibility for all the specific services (i.e.......

Partisan Story

Sir: Mr Basil Davidson says I defame him (Letters. 5 July). On page 158 of The Liber- ation of Guitu 5 , after quoting a spokesman for the African National Congress at length.......

The Dragon's Tongue

Sir: Despite their Celtic kinship the Irish and Welsh are not always notable for mutual affection; I hope Mr lob Davies (Letters, 5 July) will forgive me for suggest- ing that......