12 NOVEMBER 1904, page 1

There Has Been This Week No Movement Of Importance On

the Sha-ho, and, according to the most trustworthy accounts, the position of the hostile armies has not changed; while, though reinforcements have reached both, the losses have......

It Is Said That The Baltic Fleet Has Divided Into

three, of which one part will go through the Suez Canal, one part vi5, the Cape, and one part round Cape Horn. The last statement is most improbable, as the arrangements for......

Lord Lansdowne's Speech Also Contained The Welcome News...

American Government had approached him with a view of establishing a Treaty of Arbitration. This is indeed good tidings. We have always felt it something of a disgrace that the......

During His Term Of Office, Continued Lord Lansdowne, He Had

signed five Arbitration Treaties ; and two more were in course of negotiation. But while it was good to settle disputes amicably, it was better to prevent them arising at all ;......

P Ublic Interest During The Week Has Been Centred On Th E

Guildhall banquet, which took place on Wednesday night, When, in the absence of the Prime Minister, Lord Lansdowne replied to the toast of "His Majesty's Ministers." He con-......

News Of The Week.
